5. Non-stop (2014) In this action-packed thriller, Liam Neeson plays an alcoholic air marshal who learns about his plane being hijacked. The hijacker’s demands have to be met, or a passenger dies every 20 minutes. An investigation ensues as the air marshal tries to identify the hijacker ...
to start his new life working for a major airline’s anti-terrorism unit when, fittingly, the flight is hijacked by a famous terrorist. When the FBI agents who apprehended the movie's villain are killed, Cutter is the only person onboard who can save everyone. It's a classic '90s ...
In ‘Air Force One’, Harrison Ford plays President James Marshall, who must take control of his hijacked plane to save his family and staff. While not a traditional pilot movie, ‘Air Force One’ showcases the bravery and resourcefulness of its protagonist in a high-stakes situation. These...
The movie is completely hysterical and has gone on to be far more popular and more recognizable than the very films it's a satire of. From thehilarious dialogueto the cheezy gags, the movie feels like SNL hijacked a feature film. The result is absolute absurdity and hilarity. Snakes on a...
After making a speech in Moscow pledging to never bargain with terrorists, President James Marshall performed by Harrison Ford boards Air Force One (the presidential plane) with his family his advisers. A group of terrorists hijacked the flight. Desperate to escape, ex-soldier Marshall, gets away...
and he becomes a human wrecking ball. The only time he ever stops moving is when an entire mercenary team wrestles him to the ground and pumps him full of tranquilizers like an escaped rhino. But that's just a speedbump to a superhero. Matrix jumps from planes mid-flight and hefts ph...
Any list of New York films has to include one of the most famous images of the city ever committed to celluloid: the giant stop-motion ape beating his chest atop theEmpire State Buildingand swiping at the biplanes that have come to take him down. King Kong’s tragic end at the top of...
In this high-octane sequel to the 1994 action hitSpeed, Sandra Bullock reprises her role as Annie, who finds herself on a hijacked luxury cruise ship that is rigged to crash into an oil tanker. Directed by Jan de Bont, the film features thrilling stunts, non-stop action, and Willem Dafoe...
Unbeknown to Felix and his friends, Goldfinger had already hijacked the plane, and Bond is left at his mercy. A fight ensues and a window of the plane is broken. The cabin depressurizes and Goldfinger is sucked out of the window to his death. Bond goes to the cockpit and discovers ...
Like most people I’m pretty excited for seeingAvengers: Age of Ultron, which got me thinking to some great characters I’d like to see (from either a comedic or sentimental viewpoint) make a cameo, that won’t appear in the movie unless Joss Whedon has his mind hijacked. Here they ...