In this crime thriller, Morgan Freeman reprises his role as Alex Cross, who teams up with a Secret Service agent (Monica Potter) to track down a kidnapper who has abducted the daughter of a U.S. senator. As they follow the clues, they realize that nothing is as it seems. Released...
James Pope (Kyle Mooney) was kidnapped as a baby and has known nothing about the world except Brigsby Bear, a character fabricated by his kidnapper parents. When James is rescued and brought out into the real world, he learns Brigsby Bear is not a real children's show. Confused and ...
A weekend getaway with two friends turns tragic when one of them ends up dead. Starring Leighton Meester and Christina Wolfe, this thriller shows one woman's quest to clear the mounting suspicion against her and find out the truth about her best friend. ...
She falls in love with the man who keeps her imprisoned A mermaid who falls in love with a human A yellow bear who loves honey A movie about the life of animals f.e A rabbit who wants to be a cop A boy who lives in the jungle and get raised by a bear and a panther The son ...
What's it about? Agoraphobic dress-maker Montse (Macarena Gómez) lives with her younger sister, La Niña (Nadia de Santiago), who she worries will leave her on her own now that she's turned 18. So when their upstairs neighbour breaks his leg after falling down the stairs, Montse ...
The Sutter patriarch has just died by falling into his well. The Sutter family also once owned a piano they got in exchange for slaves, separating a mother and child of the Charles family from the husband and father, a gifted carpenter, who was considered too valuable to sell. He carved...
This movie tells about a young fellow near the precarious edge of falling in love who gets his reality flipped around when he finds he can control fire and is associated with a mysterious society of guardians. Besides Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt, the movie also stars Amitabh Bachchan, ...
Adaptation of the D.H. Lawrence novel from writer David Magee. The movie will tell the story of a woman who breaks out of her marriage vows, falling in love with a man who works on her estate. The movie began filming in September 2021 and comes from Sony Pictures Entertainment (the fir...
s upset but they agree to move on. Unfortunately she is kidnapped immediately afterwards and it happens so fast that nobody even noticed. Years later, people still don’t know what happened but Rex is determined to find her. The kidnapper has been taunting him with letters and Rex is ...
Garry Marshall had a fair amount of commercial success during his career’s final years making ensemble comedies about groups of beautiful people falling in love on various holidays:New Year’s Eve,Valentine’s Day, and last and certainly least,Mother’s Day.This disaster was less intentionally ...