In 1988 the Japanese government drops an atomic bomb on Tokyo after ESP experiments on children go awry. In 2019, 31 years after the nuking of the city, Kaneda, a bike gang leader, tries to save his friend Tetsuo from a secret government project. He battles anti-government activists, greed...
As the creatures begin to prey on humans, a desperate race for survival ensues, offering a stark reminder of the unforeseen consequences of tampering with nature. The movie's unsettling premise and atmospheric visuals make it a standout entry in the genre. Released: 1997 Directed by...
Serial Experiments LainStrange events begin to occur as a withdrawn girl named Lain becomes obsessed with interconnected virtual realm of "The Wired".19988.2/10 The CodeTwo Canberra based brothers become entangled in a cover up that involves a remote outback community and key members of the Australi...
A bit like Netflix’sKlaus,we have another origin story about Santa Claus’s roots. The movie follows a young boy called Nikolas, who journeys to the snowy North Pole to find out more about his past, and his Christmas destiny. A Castle for Christmas Genre: Christmas|Director:Mary L...
As Fontaine, Yo-Yo, and Slick Charles discover, scientists have been conducting nefarious experiments on the denizens of The Glen, the primarily Black neighborhood Fontaine et al call home. A dark satire of race relations à la Get Out, They Cloned Tyrone uses sci-fi tropes and a hefty ...
The genre can introduce us to awe-inspiring robots, horrific extraterrestrials, or harrowing experiments. Whether the sci-fi ranges from the mostly true to the truly outrageous, there's always fun to be had in this sandbox. But how to pick which to watch?
The human subjects committee at the University of Texas at Austin approved protocols for the psychophysical experiments. Informed consent was obtained. Stimuli. Stimuli were presented on a Dell P992 19inch cathode ray tube monitor with 1,600 × 1,200 pixel resolution, and a refresh rate of 62....
The only other inhabitants are Darkseekers, infected humans who look like albinos and behave like vampires. Neville spends histimecatching the deadly creatures and doing experiments on them to find a cure. His mission changes profoundly when he meets two immune survivors and the pack of Darkseeke...
and scientific experiments which turn one of the bikers into a psychic psychopath. Hollywood has been trying to remake this one for years (Taika Waititi is currently attached, though seemingly always busy), and you can only imagine the budget it would take to even approach the original, whose...
2020) and renowned for discarding around half of all reviewed movies with the simple criteria that two named women be present, speak to each other, about something besides a man. We rely on data produced by volunteers who manually evaluate if a movie passes or not the above cited conditions...