American Hustle 2013 153 votes Christian Bale, Amy Adams, Bradley Cooper, and Jennifer Lawrence star in this critically acclaimed crime drama, inspired by the FBI's Abscam operation in the late 1970s and early '80s. The film masterfully captures the decadence, deception, and scan...
Over 100 filmgoers have voted on the 160+ films on Best Movies About Black History, Ranked. Current Top 3: Selma, Harriet, Just Mercy
was one of the rare, early American independent movies to focus on the plight of the migrant worker) follows the story made popular by the age-old corrido about the crime, but isn’t content to merely print the legend. It also shows you what happened from a number of perspectives, includ...
Warner Brothers, American entertainment conglomerate founded in 1923 and especially known for its film studio.
he took minoractingroles in movies and television forColumbiaandUniversalstudios but soon fell back on a sideline career incarpentry. His film career began in earnest with a bit part in the successfulAmerican Graffiti(1973), the first major work of directorGeorge Lucas. The movie was produced by...
It’s a unique experience to relive American history from the eyes of our international neighbors, and it speaks to the power of the Black Power movement not just in our country, but abroad. Much of this documentary is made of found footage, giving the audience a completely new look at ...
tracing early man and womankind prehistory Clan of the Cave Bear Daryl Hannah Life before history began prehistory The Flintstones Fred, Wilma, Barney stylized depiction of life in the Stone Age ANCIENT TIMES click to buy film 4000 bc The Bible John Huston, George C. Scott Bible...
Actually, of course, it’s about a number of things: the improbable love affair between a British pilot forced to bale out of his plane and the American girl who takes his mayday call; the long-tricky ‘special relationship’ between Britain and the US, strained during the later years of...
Category Archives:movies China,movies Thoughts on Jia Zhangke’s 24 City 對賈樟柯新電影《24城記》之隨想 movies,Reviews Movies I’m Watching: Jean-Luc Godard’s Band of Outsiders movies,politics,Reviews Movies I’m Watching: The Reader
is a documentary written and directed by Arthur Dong, in which Dong, (a homosexual man himself) interviews various homophobic murderers. Dong’s work combines the art of the visual medium with an investigation into social issues, examining topics such as Asian-American history and identity, and...