The Beast of Hollow Mountain is a 1956 Weird West movie about an American cowboy living in Mexico who discovers his missing cattle are being preyed upon by an Allosaurus. The Allosaurus would later attack local villagers in a town, and eventually be destroyed by getting lured into some quicksa...
Cattle Empire Joel McCrea, Gloria Talbott, Don Haggerty 21 votes Set during the height of the cattle ranching boom, this western adventure sees McCrea as a former convict who is hired to lead a massive cattle drive across treacherous terrain, all while seeking redemption for past misdeeds. Along...
The Sacketts is a film that offers up all the pleasures of the western in one place, from the locales: small towns, big vistas, banks, saloons, jailhouses, hotels, gold-riddled mountains; to the plot and themes: cattle-ranching, small-town politics, familial drama, evil posses, and ten...
Rudolph Maté’sThe Violent Menbreezes by, but it isn’t exactly a breeze. The film falls under the same umbrella as movies likeForty GunsandJohnny Guitar, where the cattle baron is replaced with a cattle queen. Those comparisons are intrinsically unfair, though, as Maté is neither Samuel F...
The Beast of Hollow Mountain is a 1956 Weird West movie about an American cowboy living in Mexico who discovers his missing cattle are being preyed upon by an Allosaurus. The Allosaurus would later attack local villagers in a town, and eventually be destroyed by getting lured into some quicksa...
The Beast of Hollow Mountain is a 1956 Weird West movie about an American cowboy living in Mexico who discovers his missing cattle are being preyed upon by an Allosaurus. The Allosaurus would later attack local villagers in a town, and eventually be destroyed by getting lured into some quicksa...
The Beast of Hollow Mountain is a 1956 Weird West movie about an American cowboy living in Mexico who discovers his missing cattle are being preyed upon by an Allosaurus. The Allosaurus would later attack local villagers in a town, and eventually be destroyed by getting lured into some quicksa...
The Beast of Hollow Mountain is a 1956 Weird West movie about an American cowboy living in Mexico who discovers his missing cattle are being preyed upon by an Allosaurus. The Allosaurus would later attack local villagers in a town, and eventually be destroyed by getting lured into some quicksa...
Costner then returned to television playing the patriarch of a Montana ranching family inTaylor Sheridan’sYellowstone(2018–24). The show was hugely popular, and he won a Golden Globe Award (2023). In 2024 Costner announced that he would not return to his role on the show. His last appear...