Also ranks #7 on Great Movies About Life on a Plantation 14 Remember the Titans Denzel Washington, Will Patton, Donald Faison 70 votes This inspiring sports drama tells the true story of a newly integrated high school football team in 1971 Virginia, as they struggle to overcome racial tensions...
French film Being 17 explores the tumultuous relationship between Damien, a privileged high-schooler, and Thomas, a biracial student from a remote farm, as they navigate their mutual antagonism and emerging attraction. Through their shared struggles, the film delves into themes of adolescence, self...
the movie delves into the complex and raw conversation on racism in contemporary America. The story unfolds in a police station waiting room where Kendra (Kerry Washington), a distressed mother searching for her missing biracial teenage son, confronts racism ...
The true story of Dido Elizabeth Belle, a biracial heiress in 19th-century England, makes for a Jane Austen-esque tale (or Bridgerton if ya nasty) and a history lesson all in one. Also, if you've been enjoying the new Interview with the Vampire Series—and if you haven't I don't ...
RHG:I was worried about casting. We auditioned a number of people for all three roles. I saw the fewest for the mom, Eileen. It turned out that Mel House is married to a black man and they have a biracial kid. For Indigo Hubbard-Salk, who played Birdie, that was just luck. Spike...
Vikram Gandhi’s “Barry” is a portrait of former president Barack Obama’s formative years at Columbia University in the early 1980s, where he further developed his political awareness, while struggling to gain acceptance as a biracial transplant with a distinctive background — a very unique ...
an influential person who also happens to be biracial, I was so disappointed that I didn’t get a chance to personally ask Zendaya a question. However, when a question came up about what the actors hope that young people would take away from the film, I loved what Zendaya had to say:...
Plot:slavery, racism, interracial relations, white male black female relationship, high society, social differences, aristocracy, interracial couple, society, love and romance, hopes, biracial ... Time:18th century, georgian era, ancient times, regency period, victorian era ... ...
but showcases them in a way that doesn’t necessarily revolve around the fact that they’re interracial. The family at the center ofThe Clearingreflects reality: a white father, a black mother and a biracial daughter engaged in activities and discussions that don’t have anything to do with...
“a repressed and marginalized history” of queer life in the 20th century. And in a little over an hour, she accomplishes all that and more — scenes of intimacy among elderly and biracial same-sex couples will suddenly give way to explorations of homosexual persecution in Nazi Germany, or...