The HolocaustLists about the WWII genocide, also called the Shoah, in which Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany systematically murdered some 11 million people, including Poles, homosexuals, the disabled, and approximately 6 million European Jews. Great Movies About the Holocaust Documentaries You Need...
In this daring satirical comedy, a young German boy navigates the perils of World War II with the help of his imaginary friend, an absurdly comedic version of Adolf Hitler. The film takes an unorthodox approach to examining the indoctrination of youth under the Nazi regime, while remaining gro...
puzzled and a bit unsure but he soon realizes that the uniform has an almost magical power. The trouble begins only when they encounter fellow officers. They are a little less gullible and so, Willi invents a mission that, as he tells the people he meets, comes from Adolf Hitler directly...
Directed by Oliver Hirschbiegel, “Downfall” provides a chilling portrayal of the final days of Adolf Hitler’s life in the Führerbunker during World War II. The film is predominantly in German, and it depicts the collapse of Nazi Germany and the events leading to Hitler’s suicide. “Downf...
Bruno Ganz managed to, not exactly humanize, but give unexpected depth to one of the most notorious world leaders of all time, Adolf Hitler, whom he portrayed in his last days in an underground bunker in the 2004 film. It’s a hugely claustrophobic movie, as Hitler realizes he’s running...
Charlie Chaplin’s courageous 1940 satire sees him sending up Adolf Hitler as the fictional despot Adenoid Hynckel. The famous scene where he dances with a giant globe offers a comic pisstake on vaunting megalomania, though there’s also a murderous reality to Hynkel’s behaviour – and pres...
Darkest Houris based on the true story of when British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill was forced to decide whether or not to negotiate with Adolf Hitler when all of Western Europe was being threatened by the Nazis in 1940. The movie was directed by Joe Wright and the noteworthy cast inclu...
Russell Crowe, New Zealand-born Australian actor known for his commitment, intensity, and ruggedly handsome good looks. He received multiple Academy Award nominations for best actor and won for Gladiator (2000). Read more about Crowe’s life and career.
9 Things You Might Not Know About Adolf Hitler Secret Service Code Names of 11 U.S. Presidents 12 Greek Gods and Goddesses ContentsAsk the Chatbot a Question IrelandMap of Ireland, its counties, and its major cities. Ireland Ask the Chatbot a Question ...
Adolf Hitler, der Führer (archive footage) They Saved Hitler's Brain (1968) Dolores Fuller Actress (archive footage) Bride of the Monster (1955) Frank Gerstle Actor (archive footage) D.O.A. (1949) Jackie Gleason Actor (archive footage) The Hustler (1961) Louis Gossett Jr. Acto...