Set in a future where robot boxing has become a popular spectator sport, this film stars Hugh Jackman as Charlie Kenton, a former boxer who becomes an unlikely hero when he discovers a discarded robot named Atom. As they train the scrappy machine to become a contender in the high-stakes wo...
Shipwrecked on a deserted island, a robot named Roz must learn to adapt to its new surroundings. Building relationships with the native animals, Roz soon develops a parental bond with an orphaned gosling. Released: 2024 Directed by: Christopher Sanders Dig Deeper The 25 Best Movies Like 'T...
The list is ranked by a formula which includes the number of ratings each movie received from users, and value of ratings received from regular users To be included on the list, a movie must receive ratings from at least 25000 usersLearn more about how list ranking is determined. ...
I was not even two years old when this movie came out, so I didn’t see it until years later, but it’s one of the best movies from the decade in my opinion (and one of the few sci-fi movies I’m a fan of). The movie is all about time travel, which is an exciting concept...
Take your typical family road trip comedy, toss in a robot apocalypse, and top it all off with a heavy smattering of meme-worthy filters, doodles, and GIFs, and you might end up with something like The Mitchells vs. The Machines: a truly fun-for-the-whole-family feature that hinges on...
(2007) and its first sequel,Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen(2009). She provided Banes’s voice for the video gamesTransformers: The Game(2007) andTransformers: Revenge of the Fallen(2009), as well as the voice forSuperman’s girlfriend Lois Lane in the TV movieRobot Chicken: DC ...
The Wild Robot Forrest Gump Grease The Wolf of Wall Street Kids TV Cartoon Shows 500 Days of Summer Inside Out 2 Coco Home/Free Bad Boys: Ride or Die Sicario Sing 2 A Dog's Purpose Power Rangers Love Don't Cost a Thing The Godfather Bad Santa Legally Blonde...
A fight happens between Satit and Boonmee. Satit's elder brother, called Narit, comes to complain about the new teacher at the shool. He trusts Satit and doesn't know he is behaving badly. Kalaya has no time to study. Every early morning she has to deliver newspapers. Her father is ...
Ultimately, it’s an empowering and thought-provoking way into a story about doing anything to protect the people you love from those who violently wield power over you, no matter the cost. — O.W. How to watch: See You Yesterday is now streaming on Netflix. 4. I Care a Lot ...
The Wild Robot, Kris Bowers Best Live-Action Short Film A Lien Anuja I’m Not a Robot The Last Ranger The Man Who Could Not Remain Silent Best Animated Short Film Beautiful Men In the Shadow of the Cypress Magic Candies Wander to Wonder ...