The Face of Love is a romantic drama film that was released in 2013. It features a star-studded cast with Annette Bening, Ed Harris, and Robin Williams. The film revolves around a widow named Nikki (Annette Bening) who is still grieving over the loss of her husban...
15 The American President (1995) Michael Douglas & Annette Bening 60.1 162.3 78 01 / 00 93.4 16 Pocahontas (1995) Mel Gibson & Christian Bale 141.6 382.4 61 02 / 02 93.2 17 Dead Man Walking (1995) Sean Penn & Susan Sarandon 43.7 118.0 86 04 / 01 92.9 18 Die Hard with a Vengeance...
285 Walking with Dinosaurs 3D (2013) Karl Urban 52.1 182.9 38 00 / 00 19.0 286 Closed Circuit (2013) Eric Bana 8.3 9.5 52 00 / 00 18.8 286 The Face of Love (2013) Annette Bening & Ed Harris 0.5 0.5 54 00 / 00 18.4 287 C.O.G. (2013) 0.1 0.1 54 00 / 00 18.6 287 Walking...
Jerry and Marge Go Large, 2022 - Bryan Cranston, Annette Bening, Rainn Wilson (PG-13) The Jesus Music, 2021 - Amy Grant, Michael W. Smith, TobyMac (PG-13) Jesus Revolution, 2023 - Joel Courtney, Kelsey Grammer, Jonathan Roumie (PG-13) John Carter, 2012 - Taylor Kitsch, Lynn Collin...
Annette Bening and Matt Damon also star in this comedy about a depressed playwright who stages a fake suicide, formerly known as Imogene. ByBrian Gallagher Dec 20, 2012 Penn Badgley and Teresa Palmer Join Parts Per Billion Penn Badgley
《爱的脸》官员预告片#1 _2014_ - 埃德哈里斯, 安妮特·贝宁电影高清(The Face Of Love Official Trailer #1 _2014_ - Ed Harris, Annette Bening Movie HD) 珠穆朗玛峰官方预告片#1 _2015_ - 杰森克拉克, 杰克·吉伦哈尔冒险电影高清(Everest Official Trailer #1 _2015_ - Jason Clarke, Jake Gyllenhaal ...
Also ranks #1 on The Most Powerful Movie And TV Versions Of Dracula 7 Bugsy Warren Beatty, Annette Bening, Harvey Keitel 68 votes “I gotta warn ya, every man I’ve ever gone out with has been ruined.”“Well, that’s what they get for messing with my girl.” Released: 1991 Directe...
Nikki(Annette Bening饰)在丈夫Garrett(Ed Harris饰)去世5年后遇到个跟他长得一模一样的男人Tom(Ed Harris饰),而且同样地亲切幽默都对艺术充满热情,于是情不自禁把他当成亡夫的替代品,但又不敢让他知道真相。她把所有照片都藏起来,也不让他见亲朋好友,但还是会忍不住带他去那些老地方。真相总会有揭开的一天…...
A follow-up toMurder on the Orient Express(2017), Branagh returns as the legendary Hercule Poirot to investigate a murder aboard the S.S. Karnak, featuring an all-star ensemble cast that includes Annette Bening, Russell Brand, Gal Gadot, Armie Hammer, Rose Leslie, Sophie Okonedo, Jennifer Sa...
‘sThe Face of Loveoffers a widow who, upon meeting her husband’s doppelganger five years after his death, can’t help but pretend he’s the man she’s loved her whole life.AnnetteBeningcaptivates as the self-delusionist, withEdHarrisruggedly irresistible as the object of her fantasy. ...