小編的男神Will Smith變身經驗豐富的江湖騙子(Nicky)回歸大熒幕!更令人振奮的就是在《華爾街之狼》中飾演小李第二個妻子的超性感女神Margot Robbie也搖身一變成為Will的愛徒(Jess)并與他墜入情網。Nicky教導Jess入行的訣竅,但是他們變得過於親密,並在無法適應下決定分手。3年後,Jess搖身一變成為手法高竿的蛇蠍美人...
romantic comedy and action film. There is something for everyone andSmithis able to bring a sophistication and grit to the role that really worked, while Margot Robbie burns up the screen with her sexy performance.
Both Will Smith and Margot Robbie deliver exceptional performances in the film “Focus.” Smith embodies the character of an experienced con artist, exuding charisma and charm that effortlessly captivate the audience. With his confident presence, he commands the sc...
Will Smith May Reunite with Michael Bay for ‘Fast and Loose’ Queen Latifah Plans Hip-Hop Biopics of Herself and More Margot Robbie and Jacob Elordi to Star in ‘Wuthering Heights’ Adaptation TV Review: ‘Bel-Air’ Season 3 'Bad Boys: Ride or Die' Digital Release: Joe Pantoliano ...
Action Adventure Crime Fantasy Sci-Fi Release Date August 3, 2016 Director David Ayer Cast Will Smith, Jaime Fitzsimons ,Ike Barinholtz,Margot Robbie, Christopher Dyson , Bambadjan Bamba Runtime 130 Main Genre Superhero Studio Warner Bros. ...
Of the cast, Will Smith and Margot Robie are the standouts. Smith is the closest thing the group has to a leader as Deadshot, the weapons expert. Sure, the backstory with his daughter is hammy and melodramatic, but Smith is effective in the part. It is Robie though, who steals the ...
爱给网提供海量的创意片库资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的焦点官方法语国际预告片#1 _2015_ - 威尔史密斯, Margot Robbie电影高清(Focus Official French International Trailer #1 _2015_ - Will Smith, Margot Robbie Movie HD), 本站编号39807909, 该创意片库素材大小为32m, 时长为02分 26秒, 分辨率...
爱给网提供海量的创意片库资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的Focus Official UK预告片#1 _2015_ - 威尔史密斯, Margot Robbie电影高清(Focus Official UK Trailer #1 _2015_ - Will Smith, Margot Robbie Movie HD), 本站编号39805305, 该创意片库素材大小为21m, 时长为01分 27秒, 分辨率为1280*720, ...
Suicide Squad–2016; rated PG-13; action adventure; starring Will Smith, Margot Robbie, Viola Davis, Joel Kinnaman; directed by David Ayer; OSCAR WINNER (Best Makeup & Hairstyling);IMDb listing Suicide Squad, The- 2021; rated R; action adventure; starring Margot Robbie, Idris Elba, John Ce...
Suicide Squad: Jared Leto Is the Joker, Will Smith Is Deadshot! Will Smith, Tom Hardy, Jared Leto, Margot Robbie, Jai Courtney and Cara Delevingne have been confirmed to star in Suicide Squad. By Brian Gallagher Dec 2, 2014 TV News Netflix Will Stream Gotham Around the World in 2015...