Free movie trivia quizzes and games. More than 10,000 unique questions. Play our Movie Zillionaire game, featuring Star Wars and Spiderman themes!
Our Horror Movie Trivia will challenge film buffs and those who love scary movies. Since this is a matching game where you only need to place the movies into the correct decade where they were released, most people assume that this game would be easy however we have found that it it hard...
《The Movie Trivia Challenge》帶來前所未有的樂趣。挑戰自我,或在 Party Mode 中和親友共度電影小知識之夜!自熱門電影類型中選擇,包含動作、喜劇、科幻、恐怖、愛情、異國、兒童、2010 年後發行的電影等。如果這些還不夠,那就來場輪盤挑戰吧! 《The Movie Trivia Challenge》中有著高畫質圖像,並囊括了 9 大最...
Description Ready to test your Hollywood movies IQ!? This game is a lot of fun. You'll be shown random movie backdrops and you need to guess the name of the movie. Sounds easy? We feature : 10 different movie categories. Over 1000 levels with varying difficulties. Create your favorite mo...
Juri Francesco Nino Alexander 專為iPad 設計 免費 提供App 內購買項目 螢幕截圖 iPad iPhone 描述 You love movies and series? You can say movie quotes? You know what IMDb means? Then this is the trivia app for you! The trivia games in the app are automatically generated from data in a propr...
There are multiple types of puzzles, games, and trivia cards that are used as clues throughout the hunt. Each one of clues has a numerical answer. Players choose which one they believe is the correct answer and look it up on their clue locator sheet. ...
17 Fun Christmas Party Games for Kids Table of Contents The Christmas Classics Modern Christmas Movies Christmas Movie Music Christmas Movie Quotes The Christmas Spirit Not only can you pull out some Christmas movie trivia quizzes for a quiet evening at home with the family, but it also makes ...
150 Movie Trivia Questions 1. Question: What are the dying words of Charles Foster Kane in Citizen Kane?Answer: "Rosebud" 2. Question: Who played Mrs. Robinson in The Graduate?Answer: Anne Bancroft 3. Question: What was the first feature-length animated movie ever released?Answer: Snow Whit...
If you're a fan of scary movies, you won't want to miss out on this list of free, printable horror movie trivia games. They're great to play on your own, with friends, or even as a spooky party game. These quizzes cover the classic horror movies, the scream fests of the 1970'...
More Awesome Trivia Questions Don't stop playing here. There are tons more games right here on our site. These aren't exactly your favorite holiday movies, but they're pretty close... Kind of. Gen Zs and Millenials both grew up watching this cartoon. Yup, that's right - SpongeBob Squar...