For over 35 years, Niagara Adventure Theatre, formerly known as IMAX Niagara, has engaged visitors and enriched their Niagara experience through an informative and entertaining introduction to the mighty Falls. Free parking makes the Niagara Adventure Theatre a convenient first stop before exploring othe...
For over 35 years, Niagara Adventure Theatre, formerly known as IMAX Niagara, has engaged visitors and enriched their Niagara experience through an informative and entertaining introduction to the mighty Falls. Free parking makes the Niagara Adventure Theatre a convenient first stop before exploring othe...
Rapids Theatre - Niagara Falls, NY The Rapids Theatre was once featured onGhost Hunters, leading to thousands of amateur paranormal investigators inquiring into the 100-year-old building. The Rapids now offers ghost hunting tours of the venue, inviting the inquisitive to listen for doors opening a...
From the large houses like Proctors Theatre in Schenectady, to the Palace Theatre in Albany, and to the Troy Music Hall, shows of all sizes can find a home in the region. There are also many fine award-winning smaller theatre groups that showcase their talents through the area. One of ...
New York, NY 10001. Monster Mania | It doesn't get any bigger than this I've been digging up old videos from the Monster Mania archive that have never been online before. If you'd like to see more videos, please Follow me on Twitter. And Subscribe on YouTube. ...