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Discover classic movie suggestions from a selection of award-winning and underrated films, plus read actor and director profiles.
Pretty much all of the movies that I’ll talk about from Production I.G are for teens to adults. Kids wouldn’t get much from these movies even if they did watch them, really. Despite that fact, they are all also some of the most beautiful and well-written anime OVAs that you are ...
Part of the reason I watched this movie is because on /r/moviesuggestions, it was cited as a movie with a competent villain. I don't completely agree. One of the main attractions for this movie was Jack Nicholson's monologue. It didn't really live up to the hype for me. Tom Cruise...
Kids Are Mean Is Parenting Overrated? Stop Blaming Girls Hit Me Up! I want to hear from you, EVEN if you want to yell at me, and ESPECIALLY if you want to give me money. Click here to send any and all questions, comments, topic suggestions, dirty jokes, job offers and selfie...
Christian Movie Reviews, The Official Christian Conservative Movies, Reviews and Suggestions, the best movies in all the world are Christian movies. Children, teens and other films for the whole family. Family Movies and Conservative Film Reviews ...
Discover classic movie suggestions from a selection of award-winning and underrated films, plus read actor and director profiles.
Discover classic movie suggestions from a selection of award-winning and underrated films, plus read actor and director profiles.
There have been some great suggestions on this thread. I have to agree with those who suggested THE CONVERSATION. Brilliant performance by Gene Hackman. Also, the original SOLARIS is far superior to the remake, although I warn you... Andrei Tarkovsky movies run at a dream-like pace (the ...
They are offering free content in HD quality, but you will have to bear the troublesome ads. You will also get suggestions for movies that are currently Top Favourites, have Top Ratings, and more. The original 123movies site does not work anymore; they are the clones that are working with...