Inherit the Wind is a 1960 film loosely based on the infamous 1925 Scopes Monkey Trial, which was a landmark American legal case that tested the constitutionality of a Tennessee law that banned the teaching of Darwin's theory of evolution in public schools. The film stars Spencer Tracy, Fredr...
Alleged is a romantic drama based on events occurring behind the scenes and outside the courtroom of the famous Scopes "Monkey Trial" of 1925. Charles Anderson, a talented young reporter, feels trapped working for his deceased father's weekly newspaper and living in a tiny town (Dayton, TN)...
His subsequent trial ("The Scopes Monkey Trial") was the inspiration for the play and the film "Inherit the Wind" (1960). John Landis - Director, best known for "Animal House", "The Blues Brothers", "An American Werewolf in London", "Trading Places", "Twilight Zone: The Movie" and ...
On July 26h,1925 - John Scopes. July 26, 1925, a worldwide news crush in Dayton, Tennessee during what is dubbed “The Monkey Trial“. Did we descend from primates, as theorized by Charles Darwin or were we divinely created as written in Genesis, and decreed by a new Tennessee law...