Santa Claus: The Making of the Movie: Directed by Danny Huston, Iain Johnstone. With John Barrard, Judy Cornwell, Roy Field, Christian Fitzpatrick. This behind-the-scenes documentary follows Team Salkind as they set out to bring Santa's "true" story to t
The Santa Clauses Teaser Sets Premiere Date for Tim Allen's Festive Return The Santa Clauses will continue the story of Scott Calvin, and the first teaser has given a first look at many returning characters. By Anthony Lund Sep 11, 2022 TV Recaps A Look Back on The Life and Adven...
The Santa Clause is a 1994 American fantasy comedy film starring Tim Allen as Scott Calvin who must become Santa after accidentally causing Santa to fall to his death per the "Santa Clause". The film was followed by two sequels, The Santa Clause 2: The Mrs. Clause (2002) and The Santa...
Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town: Directed by Jules Bass, Arthur Rankin Jr.. With Fred Astaire, Mickey Rooney, Keenan Wynn, Paul Frees. A mailman reveals the origin of Santa Claus.
Santa Claus: The Movie captures the magic of Christmas and the joy that Santa brings to children around the world. The film offers a heart-warming origin story for Santa Claus and his dedicated team of elves, as well as a cautionary tale about the dangers of greed and the importance of ...
Watch the movie trailer for The Santa Clause 2 (2002). Directed by Michael Lembeck and starring Tim Allen, Elizabeth Mitchell, David Krumholtz and Eric Lloyd. Scott Calvin has been a humble Santa Claus for nearly ten years, but it might come to an end i
the sentimental aspects of “The Santa Clause” to just the right degree. The sense of reality they bring to Charlie’s life makes it all the more possible for youngsters of his age to go along with the movie’s infinite capacity for magic in making Santa and his annual rounds plausible....
The "Santa Clause" is a modern day classic. I think the only other films that are more popular is "A Christmas Story" "Christmas Vacation"and "Home Alone". While "The Santa Clause" has been a hit on home video since 1995 the film has not had a proper DVD or Blu-Ray release. Ther...
The Santa Clause(1994) 《圣诞老人》 Tim Allen stars in this Christmas comedy, where his character Scott Calvin is forced to replace Chris Kringle, after making him fall from his roof on Christmas Eve. 蒂姆·艾伦主演这部圣诞喜剧,...