Tim Burton (I) New records for ‘Squid Game’ and ‘Wicked,’‘Star Wars’ actor dies at 77, and more of today’s top stories 1/1/2025 by Marcus James Dixon Gold Derby The Best Movies of 2024: From The Substance to Deadpool & Wolverine!
Poor Things is a 2023 film directed by Yorgos Lanthimos and written by Tony McNamara, based on the 1992 novel by Alasdair Gray. A co-production between Ireland, the United Kingdom, and the United States, the film stars Emma Stone, Mark Ruffalo, Willem Dafoe, Ramy Youssef, Christopher Abbott...
Poor Thingsis the story of Bella (Stone), a childlike creature and adoptive daughter of a Victorian anatomist cum mad scientist (Willem Dafoe). Despite her very adult body, her mannerisms and understanding of the world are infantile. One of the scientist’s students (Ramy Youssef) comes to ...
Plot –Poor Things is a 2023 science fantasy black comedy film based on the 1992 novel of the same name by Alasdair Gray. The movie follows Bella Baxter, a young Victorian woman who, after being resurrected by a scientist following her suicide, runs off with a debauched lawyer to embark on...
Poor Things is a surrealist drama film produced by Film4 Productions, Fruit Tree, Element Pictures, and TSG Entertainment. The film is directed by Yorgos Lanthimos, who is known for his films that often contain elements of dark humour and unsettling themes such as The Lobster, The Killing of...
POOR THINGS Rating: Clickhereto listen to the flashback interview with Emma Stone for THE HELP. POOR THINGS is a glorious gothic fantasy of the grotesque and the macabre rendered with high art and low comedy. Filmmaker Yorgos Lanthimos has found his muse in Emma Stone, who give a performance...
During Thomas’ absence, they summon the local doctor (Ralph Michael Ineson), who eventually calls on a scholarly professor of all things ancient and occult-y (Willem Dafoe, perfectly cast). Soon enough, the prof gets a pungent whiff of what’s up. Turns out the count (Bill Skarsgård)...
Poor Things is getting rave reviews, and not just from film critics. Its poster designs are also going down a storm among those longing for the return of a more artistic approach to movie posters. A series of poster designs has been released for steampunk fantasy black comedy, and they fea...
"Witty and delightfully written" (New York Times Book Review), Alasdair Gray's Poor Things echoes Mary Shelley's Frankenstein in this novel of a young woman freeing herself from the confines of the suffocating Victorian society she was created to serve. Winner of the Whitbread Award and the ...
Housekeeping for Beginners The Beast La Bete) All of Us Strangers Io Capitano The Teachers' Lounge Perfect Days Rustin American Fiction The Zone of Interest Poor Things The Holdovers Maestro Fallen Leaves Eileen May December Saltburn Anatomy of a Fall (Anatomie d'une chute) ...