Fast X Movie Review Fast X is the latest installment in the beloved and adrenaline-pumping Fast and Furious franchise. While the series is known for its high-octane action and intense car chases, this film manages to strike a balance between its trademark excitement and providing a family-frien...
Fast X Review ‘Fast X’ finds the fun in the franchise again thanks to higher stakes andJason Momoa. A winning, funny turn from Momoa as the big villain proves the highlight in a ‘Fast’ entry that feels reinvigorated after the maudlin last movie. ...
Fans and critics may disagree over when exactly the “Fast & Furious” franchise jumped the shark, but there is only one correct answer: When the Pontiac Fiero went into space.
Fast X review: Jason Momoa steals the show in an entertaining but incomplete outing It's in cinemas from Friday. By Ian SandwellPublished: 18 May 2023Fast & Furious is nearing its finish line and if you thought the Fast Saga was going to end quietly, then you've clearly never watched th...
Related:How Fast and Furious Has Evolved Over the Last 20 Years There are too many characters. The franchise inexplicably can never let anyone go. People who should be dead, like Han, return but aren't zombies.Fast Xthen bounces back and forth around the globe with inane subplots. A busy...
before a title means the movie review includes a Blu-Ray review before a title means the movie review includes a 4K UHD review before a title means the movie review is a Digital HD review before a title means the movie review is a Netflix exclusive review before a title means the movie...
Neil Pond The Entertainment Forecast Movie Review: “One of Them Days” Movie Review: “Unstoppable” The Entertainment Forecast Movie Review: “Better Man” The Entertainment Forecast The Entertainment Forecast Movie Review: “Nosferatu” Movie Review: “A Complete Unknown” The Entertainment ForecastBl...
In May I will have been a Serious Film Critic for 20 years, and later in 2019 I'll write my 4,000th review. Four thousand... The Hole in the Ground B | R | February 26, 2019 Movie Reviews In the loudly menacing "The Hole in the Ground," a solid debut from Irish ...
action moviescarnage. But they’re giving it a good go, as most of thebest Fast and Furious charactersare back for a fresh slice of petrolhead pandemonium, and Jason Momoa’s new character is among thebest movie villainsthe series has produced. We certainly enjoyed it in ourFast X review....
I generally don't rate/review documentaries, but Flee is nominated for the International Feature Oscar, presented in a storytelling mode, and is animated, so I made an exception. Amin (Riz Ahmed for English dub) has lived a precarious and dangerous life. Much of his recounting comes in ther...