In this dark age of assembly line sequels, remakes, and spin-offs, a feature-length anime film set within Middle-earth — specifically in the version of it that Peter Jackson immortalized with his “Lord of the Rings” trilogy — qualifies as an appreciably novel method for Warner Bros. to...
Amid all of the reboots, remakes, and sequels in the works, the buzz surrounding the upcoming Rocky spinoff movieCreedhas been relatively low-key, but the arrival of the first trailer for the film might be all the hype necessary to have audiences looking out for the movie later this year...
But the film shifts from upbeat sequences, featuring two snappy sidekicks and plenty of good-hearted accomplices in the classic Disney mold, to scenes of truly terrifying animal-kingdom violence that should cause parents to think twice before bringing along the “Little Mermaid” set. ...
Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon Citydebuts in two days. Early reactions to the video game movie have surfaced online and dub the film a faithful, action-packed romp. Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon Citydebuts theatrically in the United States ...
There are two new audio commentaries, new interviews with Nispel and screenwriters Mark Swift and Damian Shannon, and a video essay defending remakes — using one of the best examples of why horror fans shouldn’t fear them. All of this is accompanied by the legacy bonus content, making ...