What began as a street-racing thriller has evolved into an action spectacle that spans the globe, with each new installment raising the stakes and pushing the limits of what can be achieved on-screen. The series' ongoing emphasis on family bonds and loyalty lends a surprisingly emotional depth...
– The science-fiction blockbuster "Avatar" won best drama at the Golden Globes and picked up the directing honor for James Cameron on Sunday, raising the "Titanic" filmmaker's prospects for another Academy Awards triumph. Scanners On Not Getting the Joke, Part Twenty-Seven Thousand Four ...
Fatherhood: Does this story of a widowed father raising his daughter stick to the facts? Blue Miracle: A skipper teams up with a group of orphans to compete in a fishing tournament. Dream Horse: Is this rags-to-riches racehorse movie faithful to the real-life events? The Conjuring: The ...
Raising the Titanic – 1980 * * * Berkey’s 1983 SUPERMAN III * * * Star Trek – 1979 * * * Berkey’s 1979 METEOR movie poster * * * The Towering Inferno – 1974 ABOVE: Berkey’s art for the 1975/76 bookThe Glass Inferno— this was in ILLUSTRATORS 17 — (I have yet to find...
From that moment on this film becomes a screwball comedy of miscommunications, Alec and Susan getting to know one another better at the family cabin through dad Mark’s matchmaking skills, a college dance, an arrest, and that pesky board of Trustees raising up their solemn heads. Will the ...
Man travels across the US with 2 dogs he rescued Meet Britain's oldest ballerina Barbara Peters Fancy masks and extravagant costumes at Venice Carnival India woman's motorcycle team makes parade debut Giant burger inspired by game becomes reality Florida family raising 14 bears in their back garden...
Raising Arizona (multiple choice) by Bill Graves Average final score 58% with 284 participants. (7) Quiz for film fanatics (multiple choice) by film fanatic Average final score 29% with 233 participants. (20) Best Adapted Screenplay: 1948 - 1967 (Matching) by Max Power Average final...
Raising Arizona Rambo: First Blood Part II Rambo III Rango Rapsittie Street Kids: Believe in Santa Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale Rat Race Ratatouille Raw Force The Raven Ravenous Re-Animator Ready or Not Ready Player One Real Genius Reality Bites A Recipe for Seduction Reckless Kelly Red Red ...
Raising Arizona (1987) 6.8 🍅 IMDb Best in Show (2000) 6.8 🍅 IMDb Major League (1987) 6.8 🍅 IMDb Where the Crawdads Sing (2022) 6.8 🍅 IMDb Stripes (1981) 6.8 🍅 IMDb Licorice Pizza (2021) 6.7 🍅 IMDb Blade Runner (1982) 6.7 🍅 IMDb Shaft (1971) 6.7 🍅 IMDb Spec...
At the same time, Smith spent more time raising her five children than focusing on music. She eventually went into semi-retirement in 1979. Smith would return to recording briefly in the mid 1980s with Epic Records. However, it was not until her collaboration with Marty Stuart in the 1990s...