You can check the lyrics of a favourite song with alphabets or by movie/album/artist names with our efficient search filter and rest assured, your song lyrics appears in a few moments (of course with few clicks). By sitting at home, you can get all the lyrics of your favourite song, ...
We needed to start somewhere, so we began with the credits that we knew would be included like the directors, producers, cast, and worked from there. We created a series of alphabets at various scales for names and designators until we found a combination that we liked. We landed on a l...
The word pizza is from Italian and the spelling is still Italian in many languages (in all languages using Latin alphabets that I know of), in Italian it's pronounced/pittsa/ with a "long"(or "double" as I would call it in Norwegian) t sound. What is slang for New Orleans? Crescen...
Assembly language is easy to understand by the human being as compareto machine language. ... Easy to memorize the assembly language because some alphabets and mnemonics are used. Execution is fast in machine language because all data is already present in binary format. Execution is slow as co...
Each rune had a name, like our modern letters have names, but these very old names are no longer known. By their association with later letters, the old names of the runes have been reconstructed. ...Not all runes were drawn the same way, however, and some of the runes and their nam...
The Serbo-Croatian language is spoken in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia, where it has several political names: Bosnian, Bosniak, Croatian, Montenegrin and Serbian. ... Both alphabets have 30 letters, each corresponding to a particular sound, which makes reading and writing...
You should capitalize the names of countries, nationalities, and languages because they are proper nouns—English nouns that are always capitalized.