“Men With Guns” tells the story of a doctor in an unnamed Central American country, who makes a trip into the rain forest to visit the young medical students he trained some years earlier. They were supposed to fan out among the Indian villages, fighting tapeworm and other scourges. The...
Nuns with Guns: Directed by Robert Enriquez. With Deborah Puette, Lauren C. Mayhew, Murray Gray, Zack Lively. Three nuns who are about to give up on God are recruited by an agency within the church to masquerade as prostitutes in order to bring down a se
X-Men: Apocalypse Spider-Man: Homecoming Thor: Ragnarok Justice League Logan Watchmen: The Ultimate Cut Deadpool Atomic Blonde The Superman Movie: Extended Cut Wonder Woman 2 Guns Wanted Mystery Men Howard the Duck Captain America Barb Wire The Shadow The Hulk Scott Pilgrim vs. The World Hellbo...
【外挂字幕】没有枪的僵尸电影-釜山行The Zombie Movie with No Guns-Train to Busan Movie Review, 视频播放量 1557、弹幕量 0、点赞数 7、投硬币枚数 2、收藏人数 3、转发人数 0, 视频作者 嘉定ソース, 作者简介 一名搬运工罢了,相关视频:明知山有虎,偏向釜山行,Netfl
These are embellished pulp-existentialist stories of men with missions, ticking clocks, cornered killers. On the more out-there projects—like 2001’s Fulltime Killer, which was kind of like his take on the gratuitous post-modern, post-Tarantino, video-store-addled hit man movie—he’ll ...
How To with John Wilson (HBO) & Betty (HBO): In the very beginning of quarantine, you might have immersed yourself in content related to pandemics/isolation. Cast Away, Outbreak, Room, Children of Men, Unfriended, Contagion, etc. But that got old quick, didn’t it? I think it’s ...
Hit Men HOARD HOBBES HOUSE HOME SWEET HOME: WHERE EVIL LIVES Hooligan firms Hooligans Horrible Histories: The Movie Horror moves Horrr HOUSE OF INEQUITY How to get your film into a film festival HUMAN HIBACHI HURT BY PARADISE I AM TOXIC I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU ALONE I...
with Sundance Film Festival entries in the ten years that followed "Reservoir Dogs." A young man, his face beaten to a pulp, is hanging from a rope tied to his leg and attached to a crane hoist at the other end; he dangles above a body of water as men with guns observe him from...
[Men walk in with guns.] Tony Stark: Those are my guns. How did they get my guns? Yinsen: Do you understand me? Do as I do. [A man starts speaking in Arabic. Yinsen translates for him.] He says, "Welcome, Tony Stark, the most famous mass murderer "in the history of America...
It’s possible to forget what a sexualized male body looks like on screen if you just watch mainstream (straight) Hollywood stuff. Andrew Haigh’sWeekend, concerned as it is with a romantic weekend between two men, necessarily captures its subjects with ardor, curiosity, and excitement. The ...