KongisKing.net is a website dedicated to the history of King Kong and the news and rumors for the upcoming Peter Jackson King Kong movie.
King Kong is a fictional character, a giant movie monster resembling a colossal gorilla, that has appeared in several movies since 1933. These include the groundbreaking 1933 movie, the film remakes of 1976 and 2005, as well as various sequels of the first two films. The character has become...
1933King Kong (1933) 1933The Invisible Man (1933) 1933The Ghoul (1933) 1934The Black Cat (1934) 1935The Bride of Frankenstein (1935) 1939Son of Frankenstein (1939) 1940The Ghost Breakers (1940) 1940You'll Find Out (1940) 1940Dr. Cyclops (1940) ...
But the techie piece of that weekend that merits a post on this blog was a movie he took me out to see (his 4th time seeing it) calledKing of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters(imdb,trailer). It appeals to more than just video-game geeks, as you could tell by the99% score on Rotten ...
Watch more FILM FACTS: http://goo.gl/sHLnk Subscribe to TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/sxaw6h Subscribe to COMING SOON: http://bit.ly/H2vZUn King Kong - Film Fact (2005) Peter Jackson Movie HD In 1933 New York, an overly ambitious movie producer coerces his cast and hired ship crew to...
King, TheKing ArthurKing Arthur: Legend of the SwordKing CobraKing CornKing KellyKing Kong (1933)King Kong (2005)King Of CaliforniaKing of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters, TheKing's Speech, TheKing's RansomKingdom, TheKingdom Of HeavenKingsKings And QueenKingsman: The Secret ServiceKinky ...
Watch King Kong "The most exciting original motion picture event of all time." PG 1976 2 hr 14 min 6.0 (36,373) 61 In the 1976 version of King Kong, the story follows a team of explorers and filmmakers led by Fred Wilson (Charles Grodin) as they journey to a mysterious island in...
A couple stand-out moments in the film include Ann Darrow, during her captivity by Kong, doing a routine from her vaudeville act for Kong. And he likes it. If you have ever wondered how a great ape would chuckle, you'll wonder no more if you watchKing King(2005). ...
King Kong Escapes(1968) 96m Latitude Zero(1970) 99m Mothra(1962) 100m The Mysterians(1959) 85m Varar, the Unbelieveable(Japan/US: 1964) 70m. War of the Gargantuas(Japan/US: 1966) 93m. Kon Ichikawa An Actors Revenge(1960) 114m. (The Revenge of Ukino-jo) ...
Hugs and kisses to the Rat King! Opening with an eye-bleeding and gut-retching scene,Street Trash- much like the original film from 1987 - challenges the decent taste of its audience. This time, though, director/co-writerRyan Krugerinfuses a bit more hilarity into the hallucinogenic ... ...