Honey, I Blew Up the Kid Honey, I Shrunk the Kids 162 votes Inventor Wayne Szalinski, played by Rick Moranis, is back for another round of mishaps in this amusing sequel that sees him accidentally enlarging his toddler son to gigantic proportions. The film's blend of visual gags, slapstick...
Adult Animation TV for You While delivering pizza on New Year's Eve 1999, Philip J. Fry is accidentally cryonically frozen and thawed out one thousand years into the future. From the creator of "The Simpsons," "Futurama" is a sci-fi animated comedy.TV14 • Science Fiction, Adult Animat...
Honey, I Blew Up the Kid Honey, I Shrunk the Kids 162 votes Inventor Wayne Szalinski, played by Rick Moranis, is back for another round of mishaps in this amusing sequel that sees him accidentally enlarging his toddler son to gigantic proportions. The film's blend of visual gags, slapstick...
At the Inn, Iris befriends Miss Froy, is irritated by the music professor and his loud folk music, and is accidentally hit on the head by a falling flowerpot-ouch! Could that flowerpot have been meant for one of the other travelers? Margaret Lockwood(Iris) looking over the script with ...
As the second act winds down, the third act kicks off with a character accidentally injuring themselves in a way we can all relate to, which would serve as more of a nuisance than anything in the real world. And from then on, A Quiet Place is a quiet freight train, moving forward wit...
Lindsay and Jamie Lee star—in the third iteration of the film—as Anna and Tess, a mother-daughter duo constantly at odds who accidentally switch places after an argument during an earthquake at a Chinese restaurant. The pair then hilariously navigate life in each other's bodies as Tess ...
a young monster bursts through an uncovered window and begins attacking. As a monster outside bursts its hand through "Vet" (Anthony "Treach" Criss), "Edgy Cat" (Jason Mewes) has his face torn off and is accidentally shot dead, and the little monster cuts off the leg of one of the ...
blast, bar that time, I accidentally got a crew member killed. You can readour full review of the game HERE. I knew there would be a bonus episode dropping at some point, but I didn’t know who it was going to focus on, and now it is here. I could not wait to give it a ...
Below, LINGUINI accidentally knocks over the pot of soup, spilling it. Remy gives Gusteau a patronizing chuckle. REMY No. What WE SEE, but Remy doesn’t: desperate that no one notices his mistake, Linguini quickly replaces the pot on the burner, and MOPS up the floor. GUSTEAU How ...
And I said, "Thank you very much, mother. We're very proud of it." So, boom! (accidentally drops his phone as Mario looks embarrassed.) SPIKE: (laughs) Good luck running a business with this idiot. (throws a napkin at Luigi, which Mario catches.) MARIO: Say that again about ...