The Gospel of John(2003) is my all-time favorite Bible movie. It’s a 3-hour dramatic presentation of the text ofJohn’s Gospelalmost verbatim1from the Good News Bible (also known as the Good New Translation and Today’s English Version). It’s unusually high quality for Christian cinema...
卞约汉_GospelOfJohn 21-08-10 07:20 来自卞约汉超话 已编辑 #卞约汉# ✙ voice📲CJ enm movie更新 <VOICE> teaser海报3P9月上映🔥@卞约汉 #金武烈##金熙元##朴明勋# 【剧情梗概】只要一个电话!接通的瞬间就上钩了!以釜山建设现场职员为对象的一通诈骗电话。由于遭受电话诈骗,女儿的医疗费到公寓的中期...
卞约汉_GospelOfJohn 21-08-17 16:25 #卞约汉# ✙ voice📲CJ movie更新电影《Voice》宣传图,9月上映🔥“延续传奇经典角色对决 新鲜度100%卞约汉X金武烈”“卞约汉是完全交付身体去展示真实动作演技的演员。—导演金曲、金宣” û收藏 1 评论 ñ7 评论 o p 同时转发到我...
Best Movie for Mature Audiences – THE LORD OF THE RINGS: RETURN OF THE KING Epiphany Prize for Inspiring Movies – THE GOSPEL OF JOHN Epiphany Prize for Inspiring Television – LOVE COMES SOFTLY Faith & Freedom Award for Movies – GODS AND GENERALS Grace Award for Movies – Stephen Lang, ...
The Gospel of John.(movie review)(Movie Review)McCarthy, Todd
Accustomed though we are to speaking of the films made before 1927 as "silent", the film has never been, in the full sense of the word, silent. 尽管我们习惯于将1927年以前的电影称为"无声电影",但是就无声这个词完整的意义 From the very beginning, music was regarded as an indispensable ac...
The Gospel of John is a movie that tells the story of Jesus’ life as recounted by the Gospel of John. It is a motion picture that has been adapted for the screen on a word-for-word basis from the American Bible Society’s Good News Bible. This three-hour epic feature film follows ...
“Missionary Positionsis honest and raw - it is a true life account of two guys embracing a calling to do something courageous. The movie challenges every follower of Christ to think about where Christ would be and what He would be doing to bring the gospel to a lost world." ...
“I fear John Knox’s prayers more than an army of ten thousand men.”—Mary Queen of Scots Astronomers have found a new planet!Think what else the Creator has out there for us to discover…. “It goes to show that there’s something we don’t know about our Solar System, and it’...
Against this wilderness of steel and concrete, the characters come on like kids at a junior high reunion, clothed in comic book colors and bright tattered rags. Only two have names: Jesus, and a character who plays both John (who ushered Jesus into the Bible) and Judas (who hastened him...