My Kidnapped Son: Directed by Jim Cliffe. With Sarah Smyth, Catherine Lough Haggquist, Kate Twa, Alana Hawley Purvis. After a mother is released from prison for a crime she didn't commit, her journey to prove her innocence takes her down a dark path fill
Everyone connected to the jerks who kidnapped Matrix's daughter is turned into a grease stain in this '80s action classic. Matrix takes out dudes in a mall, he takes them out in a sewer, and you better believe he drops a tasty quip every time he helps someone rest i...
Story about a blonde, pretty girl who sings just way too much in the movie for our liking, Lame movie plot builds around her and falls flat. For such a serious topic as sex trafficking, this one misses the mark as mama of course comes to the rescue! Come on, LIfetime. Wake up and...
Santa Claus, known as “Red One,” gets kidnapped right from his secret hideout at the North Pole... Read more ... Gladiator 2 Posted in 2025, Action, Drama, Movies December 13 Sixteen years after Marcus Aurelius’s death, Rome’s in a bad spot, ruled by the nasty brother duo Geta...
Everyone connected to the jerks who kidnapped Matrix's daughter is turned into a grease stain in this '80s action classic. Matrix takes out dudes in a mall, he takes them out in a sewer, and you better believe he drops a tasty quip every time he helps someone rest i...
but after Charlie gets super strength and gets kidnapped and taken to the ruler of the world Emperor Maximus (Adam Lambert), who wants to use him to battle the big beast, so Marla needs to rescue him, along the way he gets help from other characters like truck driver Del (Jim Gaffigan...
Peter: I don't know. A tear for every happy thought. Wendy: One for me? Jack: One for me? Maggie: One for me? Tootles: And one for me! Seize the day! Wendy: So your adventures are over. Peter: Oh, no. To live...To live would be an awfully big adventure. The...
The kidnapped girl stomps a rat dead and a dog is euthanized. 1 comment | Add comment Is an animal sad? 79 supporters Yes 3 No 0 0 Kellygator Because much of the movie takes place at an animal shelter, dogs are shown in cages and you can hear lots of barking and whining throughout...
Everyone gets access to the site's customized search engine. If this sounds good, you know who you are. Dive in. get started now for as little as $7.95 newest updates Title: Actress: Keywords: Medium:AnyMovieTV SeriesTV MovieSoapAnimationYear:toID:Match allMatch any...
Everyone connected to the jerks who kidnapped Matrix's daughter is turned into a grease stain in this '80s action classic. Matrix takes out dudes in a mall, he takes them out in a sewer, and you better believe he drops a tasty quip every time he helps someone rest ...