"Funny Farm" is kind of a loony, off-center comedy version of Hill's "The World According to Garp," another movie about strange people in bizarre situations. "Garp" made too much of its significance, however, while the comedy in this film is light as a feather. The final sequence, in...
THE MUDGE BOY – Depressing, disturbing, moving story of the sexual awakening of a young farm boy after the death of his beloved mother to cancer. BEAUTIFUL THING - Tender coming out story about two very different secondary school mates living in the council flats. Not just the two leads, ...
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Rotten Tomatoes, home of the Tomatometer, is the most trusted measurement of quality for Movies & TV. The definitive site for Reviews, Trailers, Showtimes, and Tickets
- Notable works: "Funny Girl," "Yentl," "The Mirror Has Two Faces," "The Way We Were" One of the strongest voices for gender equality in Hollywood, Barbra Streisand was the first woman to be star, director, producer, and co-writer of a single studio movie, Variety reports. She won...
Funny Farm [DVD], Feature, Comedy Best seller Add $9.88current price $9.88 $65.87/eaFunny Farm [DVD], Feature, Comedy 984.7 out of 5 Stars. 98 reviews Frosty the Snowman (Deluxe Edition) [DVD] Add $12.99current price $12.99 $14.99Was $14.99Frosty the Snowman (Deluxe Edition) [DVD] ...
Shaun and the flock are always up to mischief on Mossy Bottom Farm, however Bitzer won't let him do anything of what he loves, which to Shaun's dismay, he's quite fed up by Bitzer's orders, however he discovers something very strange in the barn, a little cute alien named Lu-La,...
SURVIVE THE GAME When cop David (Bruce Willis) is injured in a drug bust gone wrong, his partner, Cal, pursues the two criminals who shot him to a remote farm owned by troubled vet Eric (Chad Michael Murray). As Cal and Eric plot their defense, more of the gang arrives — along ...
Feb 03 1978 Fri Butterflies Are Free (1972) 2371. Feb 04 1978 Sat Maybe I'll Come Home in the Spring (1971) 2372. Feb 07 1978 Tue Planet of the Apes (1968) 2373. Feb 08 1978 Wed Beneath the Planet of the Apes (1970) 2374. Feb 09 1978 Thu Escape from the Planet of the Apes...
But he’d come down for free, agreeing to open the first movie and left after the intro to the second. He seemed somewhat surprised that JB had chosen to air Prince of Darkness at all, much less first, but JB pointed out that JC has gotten a ton of questions about The Thing, and ...