There’s no trace of her anywhere and the one suspect in custody isn’t talking. It’s enough … Retrospectives Watching ‘Rounders’ as Someone with Very Little Poker Experience by Kali Tuttle September 19, 2023 Rounders is about a poker genius, Mike McDermott (Matt Damon), on a ...
But the film is not without its gruesome charm, and although the set-up feels a tad cluttered and the character development isn't great, the action builds to an impressively unpleasant crescendo as the core group goes exploring in the mill's hidden sub-basement (extra points for a fight ...
Sometimes a film comes around that is so deeply imaginative, so wildly entertaining, and so gut-bustingly hilarious that you leave the theater excited and grateful to have had the opportunity to experience it. These are … FacebookTwitter ...
A story involving Fidel Castro, who ironically arrives at Miami, like so many of his fellow Cubans, and at the same time living through a Cuban American experience, creates the perfect scenario to watch him become a more humble person. Filmed in 2006 at various locations in Miami-Dade County...
After hitting a bump in the road after his near-death experience, Richard is finally back on top of his game — just in time for him to face the increasing pressure of retirement as he celebrates his birthday during Thursday's episode (9/8c, ABC)."He......
Camp Nobebosco, opened in 1927 is the oldest operating scout camp in New Jersey and also the grounds of Camp Crystal. Previously closed up from visitors, the campsite has since opened its doors to highly-demanded tours on Friday the 13th…an experience that’ll haunt you for life. ...
Ebert remained a stellar film critic, of course, but the relentless pursuit of a new partner or format was as painful to read about as it was to experience at the time. By this time, other film critic duos had been given a shot at replicating the success, yet none created the magic ...
Speaking to EW, Vogt-Roberts outlined his plan to "create a new type of action on screen that also is based in the quietness of the stealth" but that we shouldn’t expect a “one-to-one” translation of the video game experience. So, hour-long CODEC calls about nuclear disarmament are...
And underneath it all, there’s the foundational subtext of scrappy young Black women navigating jobs (and job interviews), testy romantic relations, depressing economic realities and rapacious rivals, while maintaining their own bonds of sisterhood. When they toast at the end, with Flaming Hot Che...
Moviegoers had much rather spend their free time and hard-earned money on a theatrical experience like "Black Panther," or to unwind with a fun movie like "Game Night," which were both out at the same time. MovieStillsDB This sci-fi horror film follows the story of a group of ...