A group of teens journey to a remote cabin in the woods where their fate is unknowingly controlled by technicians as part of a worldwide conspiracy where all horror movie clichés are revealed to be part of an elaborate sacrifice ritual. StarringKristen ConnollyFran KranzChris Hemsworth DirectorDre...
Cabin in the Woods Is the Coolest Movie No One Should Be Talking AboutAngela Watercutter
The less you know going intoThe Cabin in the Woods—a horror movie that transforms the classic mechanics of the genre into actual mechanisms—the better. A self-aware twist on haunted cottage slashers, the movie contains a lot of secrets, and oh-what-fun the audience will have discovering t...
电影事实-森林中的小屋_2011_ 克里斯·赫姆斯沃思电影高清(Film Fact - The Cabin in the Woods _2011_ Chris Hemsworth Movie HD) 资源编号 :39809061 格式:mp4 文件体积 :16m 时长:01分 20秒 分辨率 :1280×720 浏览截图 MP4 16m 格式画质分辨率体积 ...
If you haven't yet given the horror flick The Cabin in the Woods a chance yet, it's available right now on Netflix Instant, and it's one of the best genre films of the past decade without a doubt. It uses familiar horror tropes while also giving them a reason to exist, and we ...
M. Night Shyamalan’sKnock at the Cabinis a terrific “What would you do?” movie. Here’s the setup: Your family rents a secluded cabin in the woods for a vacation. Suddenly, four strangers armed with makeshift weapons arrive and deliver some cockamamie news. They tell you the world ...
s credited with starting the horror genre in the country back in 1958, is keenly aware of its lineage. In the first few scenes, it references not only theSam Raimiclassic but “Misery” and “A Nightmare on Elm Street,” and there’s no way that the title “Cabin in the Woods” ...
Plot:gory, demon, supernatural, zombie, demonic possession, blood, violence, woods, extreme violence, violent, characters killed one by one, cabin in the woods ... Time:year 2013, 2010s, year 2000, 80s, 21st century Place:usa Is relevant ?
The Cabin In The Woods This movie was like dessert after a big meal. It basically explains why everything happens in every other horror movie. It also features "Thor" Chris Hemsworth. I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed this movie. ...
Anne Hathaway Jumps Aboard The Lifeboat This adaptation of Charlotte Rogan's book centers on Grace Winter, who is put on trial for murder after surviving a boating accident. By Harout Harmanian Jun 21, 2013 Drew Goddard Cabin in the Woods Director Drew Goddard Takes on The Martian He ...