Synopsis: Based on the true story of the notorious serial killer and the intense manhunt he inspired, "Zodiac" is a superbly crafted thriller form the director of Se7en and Panic Room. Featuring an outstanding ensemble cast led by Jake Gyllenhaal, Robert Downey Jr., Mark Ruffalo and...
The script from Michael Brandt (based on a true story and bookArthur – The Dog Who Crossed the Jungle to Find a Homeby Mikael Lindnord, the real-life adventure racer who has seemingly been repurposed into an American for mainstream appeal and Mark Wahlberg marketability) isn’t too interest...
Based on the book The Lost Child of Philomena Lee, the film is based on the true story of the titular Philomena (Dench), an Irish woman who spends nearly 50 years wondering what became of her long-lost son. As a teenager in 1952, she becomes pregnant and, like many "fallen" girls ...
They should not have picked up that hitch-hiking sociopath, but then there wouldn't be a movie. Based on a true story, 'The Hitch-Hiker' is a 1953 oldie starring Edmund O’Brien and Frank Lovejoy on the road, and William Tallman as the murderous fugitive. Directed by Ida Lupino, a ...
While many films in the genre are purely fictional and far from reality, movies like The Conjuring claim to be based on true stories. In February 2024, we saw films like Lisa Frankenstein, which evoked strong '80s vibes, and Out of Darkness, which took us back to the prehistoric world. ...
11/18/2024 by Martin Cid Martin Cid Magazine - Movies SAG Award Nominee Stelio Savante Starring In Three Upcoming Films Based On True Stories 10/21/2024 by Molly Se-kyung Martin Cid Magazine - Movies The UnPopular Opinion: The Boondock Saints ...
12/17/2024 by Hashim Asraff FandomWire Pilot TV Podcast #317: Strike & Based On A True Story ft. Tim Cook & Rebecca Ferguson, Holliday Grainger 12/16/2024 by Jordan King Empire - TV Universal holds a magnifying glass over Jamie Lee Curtis to possibly star in the studio’s Murder, She...
FirstShowing is a professional web-based destination providing complete media coverage of mainstream and independent movies, the latest on the movie going experience, and the connection between Hollywood and the audience. We only cover theatrically released films, and updates from film festivals all ...
Other intriguing titles include the new film version of August Wilson’sThe Piano LessonstarringSamuel L. Jacksonand John David Washington, a documentary about Martha Stewart, a film directed by and starringAnna Kendrickbased on the bizarre true story about a serial killer who wound up appearing ...
After his Oscar-nominated turn in last year’s “Rustin,” Colman Domingo (who also counts “Euphoria” among his credits) stars in another film based on a true story, this one set at the infamous prison in New York State. In the film, Domingo plays a wrongfully imprison...