Summary Based on a true story, BACKCOUNTRY follows an urban couple who go camping in the Canadian wilderness - where unimaginable beauty sits alongside our most primal fears. Alex (Jeff Roop) is a seasoned outdoorsman while Jenn (Missy Peregrym), a corporate lawyer,...
Greetings again from the darkness. The responsibility of the filmmaker when the project is “based on a true story” is elevated when the story has significant historical relevance and blends such elements as art, identity, justice and international law. Add to those the quest of a remarkable w...
Helen (Ellie Kemper) has always lived her life as far from the edge as possible. Finding herself newly divorced and a little lost, Helen decides she needs a reset and signs up for the “Adventure of a Lifetime!” The adventure is a backcountry survival course hiking the Appalachian Trail ...
traversing the vast American backcountry in search of meaning and a lost mother-like aunt. Life often gives us no choice to be decisive. This inherent human flaw, though, takes Haigh’s inspired protagonist on a life-changing
following an intention to live a simple life in pure wilderness.His story was turned into a book,and then the movie classic Into the Wild.Salcha River State Parkhas a single public use cabin for true nature-lovers who want to hike,fish,hunt and play in thebackcountry.21.What do Big ...
Based on a true story, Backcountry follows an urban couple who go camping in the Canadian wilderness - where unimaginable beauty sits alongside our most primal fears. Alex (Jeff Roop) is a seasoned outdoorsman while Jenn (Missy Peregrym), a corporate lawyer, is not. After much convincing, an...