Movie and TV Quotes Updated February 15, 2025 25.3K views 10 items Are you ready to dive into the world of Paddington? Our team of movie fans has voted and ranked the best quotes from this beloved franchise, and we're excited to share them with you. From heartwarming moments that will...
The 14th anniversary ofThe Prestigefelt like as good an excuse as any to create a package devoted to the movie and TV twists through the years that have stunned us, destroyed us, and changed the way we think. (The twist here is that we’re celebrating a 14th anniversary rather than wait...
TV/Streaming The Sweet and Sour K-Drama “When Life Gives You Tangerines” Measures Life in Four Seasons of Love 4 days ago Features How “The Seed of the Sacred Fig” Subverts the “Save the Girl” Trope 4 days ago Features In “The Handmaid’s Tale,” Women Fight the Darkness—And...
Subzin is an excellent search engine which lets you identify a film or TV series via it’s quote. Just type in the quote and it will tell you in which film it appears instantly. It also gives you the time the phrase appears in the movie and fuller context if you click on the magnify...
However, if you're willing to disregard that little detail and instead watch it as a recorded theatre play, it's an absolutely breathtaking experience.The movie is based on the play of the same name by Evgenyi Shvartz, one of the most significant Russian The story is painfully simple: ...
Print Search Pages: [1] Go DownAuthor Topic: Streaming movie/TV site questions (Read 980 times) 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. MathWizard Super Contributor Posts: 1756 Country: Streaming movie/TV site questions « on: May 16, 2023, 08:33:12 am » I don't ...
AllMoviesTVComicsAnimeGaming I'm Convinced Avatar: Fire & Ash Is Killing Jake Sully After James Cameron's Ominous Tease Avatar: Fire and Ash After James Cameron's comments about his wife's reaction to Avatar: Fire and Ash, it seems likely that Jake Sully will tragically die in the movie....
This month, we're focusing on quotes from Billy Wilder films. We will list a quote from a movie co-written by Wilder and ask you to name it. Try to answer these questions on your own without resorting to Google searches. As always, please answer no more than three questions per day ...
Our results suggest that searchers use a combination of information about: (1) the content of the item sought, (2) the context in which they previously engaged with the item, and (3) previous attempts to find the item using other resources (e.g., searc...
She tells Arthur that she understands him. When Joker killed Murray on live TV, she was thinking I just wish he’d kill that guy. And then, he did. Arthur starts having his fantasies again. The Joker is his shadow self, his other self. A product of childhood abuse. ...