Website Summary Sammy Joyce, a socially awkward small-town receptionist, has a nail accidentally shot into her head by a clumsy workman, eliciting wild sexual urges. The uninsured Joyce goes on a crusade to Washington to fight for the rights of the bizarre...
Tracy MorganPlot:A small town waitress gets a nail accidentally lodged in her head causing unpredictable behavior that leads her to Washington, DC, where sparks fly when she meets a clueless young senator who takes up her cause - but what happens when love interferes with what you stand for?
Jessica Biel plays Alice Eckle, a naive small town waitress who accidentally gets a nail buried in her head at the very moment a cop (James Marsden) is proposing to her in a restaurant. It was originally called nailed, a much better title. Alice doesn’t have a health care p...
The Tenth Month: Directed by Joan Tewkesbury. With Carol Burnett, Keith Michell, Dina Merrill, Melissa Converse. An unmarried, middle-aged woman accidentally gets pregnant by an internationally renowned pianist and decides to keep and raise the baby on h
The cast did a good job as well, Perri Gilpin as a witch? Great casting & job, Peri. Helpful•11 5 debbiekasper-90224 Feb 18, 2017 Permalink 5/10 Standard Hallmark fare Another recycled story - spunky loner (who cooks in a homeless shelter, no less), "accidentally" falls in love...
The Invisible Woman: Directed by Alan J. Levi. With Bob Denver, Jonathan Banks, David Doyle, George Gobel. In a research lab, a scientist's pet chimpanzee mixes up an invisibility formula. A young woman accidentally drinks the solution and becomes invisi
Keanu Reeves Is (Accidentally) Responsible for Naming the John Wick Movies John Wick Keanu Reeves not only plays the titular character in the John Wick films, he is also responsible for giving the films their title. 1 ByJessica Peerez
TL;DR– While I will give it points for getting some of the visual style right, and something must have gotten that cast to sign up. But the final product was a soulless mess of nothingness. Post-Credit Scene– There is a mid-credit scene that you don’t need to stay for. ...
As the second act winds down, the third act kicks off with a character accidentally injuring themselves in a way we can all relate to, which would serve as more of a nuisance than anything in the real world. And from then on, A Quiet Place is a quiet freight train, moving forward wit...
Three sixth grade boys ditch school and embark on an epic journey while carrying accidentally stolen drugs, being hunted by teenage girls, and trying to make their way home in time for their first kissing party. Playmobil: The Movie Director: Lino DiSalvoCast: Anya Taylor-Joy, Daniel Radcliffe...