Soul SurferSource CodeSouthland TalesSouthpawSouthside with YouSpace Between Us, TheSpace ChimpsSpacemanSpanglishSpare PartsSparkleSpartanSpecialSpecial ForcesSpectreSpeedSpeed 2: Cruise ControlSpeed RacerSpentSpider-ManSpider-Man 2Spider-Man 3Spider-Man: HomecomingSpider-Man: Into the Spider-verseSpiderwick ...
Blake Lively gets thrown from her surfboard when a shark attacks in the first of two clips from The Shallows, in theaters June 29. By Brian Gallagher Jun 13, 2016 Trailers Shallows Trailer #3 Will Keep You Out of the Water This Summer Blake Lively stars as a surfer who finds herself...
Surf movies speak their own language and the first film by surfer John John Florence proves this in a very special way – everything is just right! The moving images enter into a symbiosis with the music and you surf together with John John Florence on the seas of this wonderful earth. ...
Dean Morrison (born Dec 22, 1980) is a professional surfer from Tweed Heads, Australia. Birthplace: Tweed Heads, Australia Nationality: Australia Height: 5'5" Max Cullen X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Australia, My Brilliant Career Max Cullen is an actor who appeared in "Faraway Downs," "Goldst...
Surfer Girls (1976) 85mins A Man with a Maid (aka The Groove Room)(aka What the Swedish Butler Saw)(aka Champagnegalopp) (1975) 93mins Funk in 3D (1975) Manhole (1975) Flesh for Frankenstein (aka: Andy Warhol's Flesh for Frankenstein, Frankenstein) (1973) 95mins in 3D theatres fr...
AnnaSophia Robb stars in the true story of surfer Bethany Hamilton, who lost her arm to a shark attack and found the courage to get back on the board. By Brian Gallagher Jun 8, 2011 the change-up (2011) The Change-Up Red Band Trailer Ryan Reynolds and Jason Bateman star as a sl...
Hey! Surfer Dave! CHAINSAW DAVE: It's Chainsaw Dave now! EMMET: Morning, Scribble Cop! SCRIBBLE COP: - [growls] - [laughs] SONG: We're living out a dream EMMET: - Morning, Sewer Babies! BABIES: - [babies crying] SONG: Awesome Everything is awesome EMMET: This son...
Secrets of the Bull Shark Secrets of the King Cobra Shark Attack Investigation: The Paige Winter Story Shark Beach with Chris Hemsworth Shark Gangs Shark Queens Shark Side of the Moon Shark vs Tuna Shark vs Surfer Shark vs Whale Sharkatraz ...
Directors –Sean McNamara –( Known For: Soul Surfer; 3 Ninjas: High Noon at Mega Mountain; Spare Parts; The Miracle Season; On a Wing and a Prayer; Field of Lost Shoes; Cody the Robosapien; P.U.N.K.S.; Space Warriors; Race to Space; Treehouse Hostage; The Legend of Galgameth; ...
it's about as fresh as the whiff.D.Soul surfer portrays the comeback spirit and faith of shark attack survivor and champion surfer Bethany Hamilton.E.Although it is a better fantasy than a comedy,this movie never fully embraces either side of the dramatic types and ends up a bastard of ...