"Unbelievable?" CS Lewis on screen - Max McLean and Norman Stone on The Most Reluctant Convert movie (Podcast Episode 2021) - Movies, TV, Celebs, and more...
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Eddie McIlwaine
Lewiston Morning Tribune,Aug 3, 1975 Ebert Tributes x 2 April 5, 2013~sw~Leave a comment There are too many fine Ebert tributes out there to try and track even a fraction of them, and I won’t try. Here are a couple great ones, though, from a formerrockcriticscontributor and a for...
Also opening isRiff Raff, with Harris and Jennifer Coolidge atop a family of petty crooks that include Bill Murray, Pete Davidson, Lewis Pullman, and Gabrielle Union. It's at Boston Common, the Seaport, and Kendall Square. Australian animated filmThe Sloth Lanegets renamedA Sloth Storyfor its...
Set in both our “real world” and the magical Narnia, this animated version of CS Lewis’ evergreen story opens on a cold, wet day in a house in the country. Though never mentioned in the film, the four young human child protagonists of the story have been sent away from war torn ...
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The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Unabridged Movie Tie-In Edition CD UABC. S. Lewis
In a race against time and with the aid of the Great Lion, Aslan, they join Caspian and his army in a battle to restore peace throughout Narnia.C. S. LewisPoetry
Each of the seven books is a masterpiece, drawing the reader into a land where magic meets reality, and the result is a fictional world whose scope has fascinated generations.C. S. LewisHarper Festival