“The Red Machine” is a lean, intense thriller about a disgraced spy for the U.S. Navy and a jailed safecracker who team up to steal the secret of the Japanese version of Enigma, the Nazi cryptography machine. It’s set in Washington, D.C., in the 1930s when Japan and the United...
Baraka X−77 (1966) IMDB * The cracking of Professor Sartan's code, and mention of a book "Introduction to the theory of tensor equations". $$$ Basketball and Maths (2009) IMDB * A French short about gay teenagers. One short and weird scene with some tutoring of fractions. ...
Despite some criticism over the limited audience for the Best Picture nominees, the Costume Design nominees were a diverse but excellent field of candidates both in movies and in costume designers, ranging from “clothes that make you hungry,” to a snail ”… that can hide back into its shel...
Mystery Incorporated are, without a doubt, the hardest working teen paranormal detectives in the business. The motley crew — comprised of Fred, Daphne, Velma, Shaggy, and their talking canine companion Scooby-Doo — have been successfully cracking some of the spookiest cases across film and telev...
(Jonathan Aris)hands them a map and takes a picture of the group in front of a bulletin board filled with missing kid flyers. That’s just a taste of the humor that awaits. Ian is the only one treating the journey seriously, while the other three are wise-cracking, experimenting with ...