At the end of 2024, I met a famous writer who always walks freely. Speaking of 2024, we naturally talked about the impact of AI on artistic creation. He is very calm about this: 'What should come will come.' This writer believes that as long as AI is not beyond human control, there...
上映:2024-08-30(美国) 语言:英语 更新:2025-03-24 17:41 豆瓣:5.0 简介:柯蒂斯家族被选中测试一种创新的家用设备:数字家庭助理AIA,其中包括各种传感设备和摄像头。它可以将“智能家居”提升到一个新的水平,从学习家庭成员的行为和预测他们的需求开始。友邦保险将确保没有任何人阻碍这个家庭。包括谋杀,以及 ...
究其原因,导致模型理解长视频困难的一个主要原因是缺乏高质量、多样化的长视频数据资源,而且收集和注释这些数据需要庞大的工作量。 面对这样的难题,腾讯和复旦大学的研究团队提出了MovieLLM,一个创新性的 AI 生成框架。MovieLLM 采用了创新性的方法,不仅可以生成高质量、多样化的视频数据,而且能自动生成大量与之相关的...
快手继续精作“星芒短剧”,2024上线了《造浪少年》《镯中录》《澳门故事》等作品,其中,特别值得一提的是《山海奇镜之劈波斩浪》,作为国内首部 AIGC 原创奇幻微短剧,其以《山海经》为灵感来源,由快手自研视频生成大模型可灵 AI 提供深度技术支持。 该剧构建出了一个光怪陆离的奇幻世界,展现了少年李行舟在山海奇...
Gimai Seikatsu 状态:更新至12集 主演:天崎滉平/中岛由贵/铃木爱唯/滨野大辉/铃木实里 导演:上野壮大 年份:2024 地区:日本 类型:剧情/爱情/动画 频道:ju 上映:2024-07(日本) 语言:日语 更新:2025-03-20 22:56 豆瓣:0.0 简介:缩短距离,构筑关系的日常。 高中生和美少女的同居生活。 因为悲惨的家庭环境...
Enraging and wrongheaded, director Brad Peyton’sAtlassends the unethical, harmful message that since people suck, emotional connections with AI is the way of the future. It takes something extremely misguided or repulsive to get me worked up with pure hatred about a film, but these filmmakers ...
“i have been concerned about this for a long time,” rianda says. mitchells took seven years to make, and even when he began writing the script, he was worried, more generally, about the rise of automation. he found himself reading about ai with growing fervor. “i was like, ‘ok...
The one and only app to find all existing movies and tv shows with. Maimovie provides the best search and recommendation results by utilizing AI that knows about every movie and tv show ever created. Find prompts that click instantly with your taste in movies and TV shows. ...
Meta Open Materials 2024 数据集和模型: Meta 推出了Open Materials 2024 (OMat24) 数据集和模型,用于材料属性预测,提供商业和非商业用途的开放许可。此举是 Meta 对开放科学承诺的一部分,详情见Yann LeCun 的推文。 AI 的训练数据危机: Brian Roemmele 强调了由于 VHS 媒体的快速过时,AI 训练材料的关键损失,...
I’ll leave you with some words about the title from the director: “There are three words we’ve traditionally used to describe spirits – Moogai, Wongai and Dogai,”he explains. “We still use Moogai to describe monsters – similar to a boogeyman – and then we also use Dogai to ...