Synopsis:The film is about a group of children who decide to explore an abandoned residential building and accidentally find themselves in a strange new reality where they are stranded in the middle of the ocean. With no adults to save them, the friends gather their courage to work together a...
Irving Rosenfield (Christian Bale), a con man, falls in love with Sydney Prosser (Amy Adams), and the couple start running a con operation together. Everything seems perfect at first, but Irving refuses to leave his adopted son and wife Rosalyn (Jennifer Lawrence), who refuses to divorce ...
Bonnie Hunt acquits herself well in an uncharacteristically serious role as Paul's devoted wife; newcomer Doug Hutchison is chilling as sadistic guard Percy Wetmore, as is Sam Rockwell as psychotic inmate Wild Bill; and Michael Jeter is touching as inmate Del, who takes in a pet mouse. Gary...
The 90s classic The Truman Show almost had a TV series as a sequel, and writer Andrew Niccol reveals details about it. ByMaca Reynolds Jun 26, 2023 The Truman Show: 10 Easter Eggs That Hinted at the Movie's Ending Movie Lists
In the end, though, once you strip away the social commentary, it’s basically just a generic cat-and-mouse survival movie. It could be a zombie or vampire movie, but in this case the enemy is actually *us*. The American people. Or at least, those that purge. But it’s done well...
Although she thinks of herself as a mouse, as Robin grows she begins to notice that she can’t sneak around quite as effectively as her adopted siblings, which leads her on a journey of self-discovery.“It’s a story of her figuring out her difference,” Dan Ojari, who co-directs ...
Now that Harry Styles has officially turned down the role of Prince Eric, Disney is currently scouting out another rising star to play Ariel’s love interest in The Little Mermaid. And according to our sources – the same ones who told us the Mouse House was developing an Aladdin sequel, ...
A scrapped episode for the MCU series What If...? would have featured Spider-Man in a "very, very dark" post-apocalyptic tale. ByJonathan Fuge Jan 3, 2024 The MCU's What If...? Is the Antidote to the Poison They Created There's something refreshing about What If...? season 2. ...
a seizure in his sleep - would have got pleasure in seeing the excitement the new cast members had about being part of the beloved Disney series.She told People magazine: "I think that he would've been really excited to see it and to see how [the movie] turned out because, to be ...
he forms a relationship with Jane Foster, a scientist. However, Thor must stop his adopted brother Loki, who intends to become the new king of Asgard. Sam Raimi first developed the concept of a film adaptation of Thor in 2001, but soon abandoned the project, leaving it in "development hel...