Credits (Film): Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, In the Heat of the Night, Fast Forward Also ranks #2 on Facts We Learned About 24 People Who Passed In 2022 Also ranks #3 on Every Oscar-Winning Black Actor, Ranked By Screen Presence The Best Sidney Poitier Movies, RankedSee all 1Lilie...
It’s the most wonderful time of the year…and we’re not talking about getting stuck in traffic-clogged Los Angeles. This year, Apple TV+ rang in the holiday season early by dropping a surprise festive spin-off of Carpool Karaoke: The Series. The new special, titled A Carpool Karaoke ...
Now that that my pesky facts are out of the way, let’s get into the film itself. A lot of the action sequences in the first half were disappointingly brief. The entirety of the first act and parts of the second seemed somewhat disorganized, transitioning quickly from scene to scene, gi...
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s not such a genius after all. Maybe he’s a big ol’ dumbo and the police are like “oh boy, really got us again, Jigsaw. You’re so smart with all your plans and shit that we can’t figure out. Hope you don’t kill another person we totally care about.” Hot Take ...
romantic things or funny things, but there was something almost irresistible about seeing something horrific on occasion. He pushes Kyle out of the way and takes a gander through the window. “My god,” he whispers, his face frozen in a mask of terror at what he saw too. That’s right...