Anne Lonnberg...singer: "Is There Life on Earth?" Script and Continuity Department Edit Catherine Prévert...script supervisor Additional Crew Edit Mario Nadeau...production assistant Storyline Edit Plot Summary The stories of two diverse women intertwine. In the first segment, the winner of the...
Diana: In Her Own Words: Directed by Tom Jennings, David Tillman. With King Charles III, Princess Diana, Prince Harry, Queen Camilla. This documentary uses the recordings Princess Diana made for the book that was written by Andrew Morton. In this documen
her high school, or even the young woman who fell in love with a handsome nobleman from the nineteenth century. And I would always live happily ever after. In fact, I liked to pretend what was happening on-screen was happening in my own life as well. I liked the happy endings, the ...
3am: Brit Flick; SPEARS TO STAR IN A MOVIE OF HER OWN TOPSY-TURVY LIFEByline: Clemmie Moodie & Danielle LawlerThe Mirror (London, England)
She was denied the right to have a life of her own. She was there to serve.For many years, this growing tension surely led to a lot of frustration. And I'm not even going to explore the question of her sexuality, which was necessarily limited or non-existent....
dance-halls and restaurants. Such people would feel that their life was not worth living if they had to live it outside London. An occasional walk in one of the parks and a fortnight’s (two weeks) visit to the sea every summer is all the country they want: the rest they are quite...
Well acting, directing and story. Congratulations to all cast. I really enjoyed it. In the beginning I didn't expect anything good, but I noticed a couple of definitely good actors, (Kelly Lynch and Michael Nouri), so I thought that maybe... and it was! WOW! Very good pace, interesti...
Blue Lagoon: The Awakening: Directed by Eric Bross, Mikael Salomon. With Indiana Evans, Brenton Thwaites, Denise Richards, Patrick St. Esprit. Two high-school students become stranded on a tropical island and must rely on each other for survival. They le
Bride brings grandma to tears by wearing her 1962 gown Paraglider flys with starlings to embrace his dream of flying like a bird Veteran saved by dog and duck after battling for his life in coma Couple takes wedding photos 60 years after getting married The champion pole dancer with only one...
Sophia Loren: Her Own Story: Directed by Mel Stuart. With Sophia Loren, Armand Assante, John Gavin, Rip Torn. Dramatization of the life of Italian actress Sophia Loren who plays herself during adulthood and also that of her mother Romilda Villani.