A dose of 8 sachets a day of Movicol is needed for the treatment of faecal impaction. Each sachet dissolved in 125ml (¼ pint) of water. The 8 sachets should be taken within 6 hours for up to 3 days if required. If you have a heart condition, do not take ...
for all kinds of constipation, easy to prepare and use, and comes in a wide range of flavours. To Take:Adults and children over 12 years: Constipation: 1 sachets daily. May be increased to 2 or 3 sachets daily if necesary.Faecal Impaction as diagnosed by a doctor: 8 sachets a day. ...
usedfor ThenameofthismedicineisMovicolPaediatricPlain6.9gsachet,powderfororal solution.Itisalaxativeforthetreatmentofchronicconstipationinchildrenaged2to 11yearsandforthetreatmentofverybadconstipation(calledfaecalimpaction)in childrenaged5to11years. MovicolPaediatricPlainhelpsyourchildtohaveacomfortablebowelmovement ...
Inanon-comparativestudyin63children,MOVICOL clearedthefaecalimpactionin92%ofpatientswithin3-7 MOVICOL–HALFPIDecember2011 Page2of6 daysoftreatment(median6days).Forthe2-4yearsage group,theaveragetotalnumberofsachetsrequiredwas equivalentto28.6MOVICOL-Halfsachets,andforthe5- ...