PokemonPets Pokédex entry for #192 Sunflora: evolution, stats, moves, location, type weaknesses, data, other forms and more!
PokemonPets Pokédex entry for #194 Wooper: evolution, stats, moves, location, type weaknesses, data, other forms and more!
There is a handful of Pokémon that can be helpful in capturing all the other creatures inPokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. As players make their way closer to the endgame, they will need to complete the Sinnoh Dex in order to open up new areas in the region. Fortunately, in ...
Pokemon SV Steenee Evolutions, Type Weakness, Best Moves, Where to find and catch Steenee an F-Tier Grass Pokemon.
A quick glance at the code makes me wonder what happens if in a single battle a pokemon uses a pledge move in a turn while already preparing to use a different pledge move. I'm not sure that can happen right now, but it's theoretically possible once we have more moves implemented. ...
MOBAs always require a certain level of flexibility depending on your team and enemies. You can check out a description of each of the moves below, and find out which we generally recommend to make the most of this tanky beast. Snorlax’s passive ability ...
I know it's a more borderline case than the other sleep moves, but it functions in only one of two ways in all cases. The Pokemon you hit with it stays in and falls asleep. This equates Yawn to something like Spore, just at a one turn delay. I feel that - and others have ...
In theory, this would make Solar Beam far more powerful, as one can normally shortcut its attack time by having the Pokemon stand in Sunny Day weather. Unfortunately, weather didn’t make an appearance in the Let’s Go games meaning Solar Beam is always going to take two turns to unleash...
I'd rather we didn't make a new Rapid Spin, although it's been discussed to death. Even one with another immunity is still annoying, because it's just one more thing to worry about in stall teams (especially if this guy got both, as you'd have to carefully predict what move it'd...
Click Here To See Bigger Size Azelf Class: Legendary Type: Psychic Catch Rate: 3 Level Gain Rate: Slow Base Reward EXP: 1,365 Reward EV Point: Attack: 2 SpAttack: 1 Azelf in game: 1,545 Who? AVG Level: 52 Gender Ratios: Genderless Pokemon Id: 482 Base Stats HP: ...