Movement type specifies the physical or logical movement of goods leading to a change in the stock levels or resulting in the consumption of the material . Movement types that are relevant for SD are : 601- Goods issue delivery 602- Goods return 561- Posting the stock in the plant 301- pl...
SAP Movement Type ,sap, 移动类型 ▲什么是Movement type ?1.物料的移动在SAP中的反映,也可以理解为物流业务在SAP中的反映2.移动类型可以根据物料类型的Quantity/Value属性,更新(数量(Stock)或价值(FI凭证/科目的确定)3.移动类型的字段显示(Screen)可以在IMG中设置4.MRP,ATP check 等计算的基础5.链接SAP各模块...
1、SAP Movement Type 详细介绍101 Goods receipt for purchase order or orderIf the purchase order or order has not been assigned to an account, a stock type (unrestricted-use stock, stock in quality inspection, blocked stock) can be entered during goods receipt.If the purchase order or order ...
SAP 标准移动类型(Movement Type) Below you will find a short description of the standard movement types. The cancellation movement type is the movement type + 1 (cancellation for 101 = 102). 101 Goods receipt for purchase order or order If the purchase order or order has not been assigned ...
SAP 常见物料移动类型Movement type_20160902 101GRgoodsreceipt102ReversalofGR103GRintoblockedstck104Rev.GRtoblocked105GRfromblockedstck106Rev.GRfromblocked121GRsubseq.adjustm.122REreturntovendor123RErtrnvendorrev.124GRrtrnblockedstck125GRrtnblkdstckrev131Goodsreceipt132Goodsreceipt141GRGsubseq.adjustm142GRG...
1,381 SAP Managed Tags: SAP ERP, SD (Sales and Distribution) At the sales, delivery and billing documents, from where can I see the movement type. In addition how is the custimization steps of the movementt types is executed (assignment, adjustment... etc)? Thanks in advance.Know...
SAP recommends that you work with the settings defined in the standard system. In this case, no action is required on your part. However, if you have to define new movement types, it is recommended that you create these movement types with reference to an existing movement type. In doing...
movementtypesapstockgoodsreceipt SAPMovementType详细介绍 101Goodsreceiptforpurchaseorderororder Ifthepurchaseorderororderhasnotbeenassignedtoanaccount,astocktype(unrestricted-usestock,stockinqualityinspection,blockedstock)canbeenteredduringgoodsreceipt. Ifthepurchaseorderororderhasbeenassignedtoanaccount,thegoodsrecei...
SAP Managed Tags: SAP ERP, SD (Sales and Distribution) Dear All, When business user doing stock transfer between storage locations within the plant by using movement type 311 t code MB1B, system is not considering the confirmed sales order quantities or confirmed deliveries(before PGI) , becau...
SAP TNIW4 Table Fields Here is the details of each fields in this table.You can find the discription, data type and assigned lenth of each of the fields in TNIW4 table. MANDT : ClientIts a key field. Its data type is C (Character String) with field length 3 ZST10Its data type is...