"I remember being an absolute sleep-deprived wreck, sitting outside a sandwich shop, wolfing down my lunch quickly beside my 1-month-old son, who was briefly resting his lungs between screaming fits. A rather nosy woman walked up to me and said, all smugly, 'You should enjoy thi...
I headed back to the car, leaving her with Eleanor and Mostyn (who was unfailingly polite and charming and HEADING IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION). After pulling the buggy out of the boot, having a quick chat with a woman walking her dog, I headed back up the path. And then realised I must ...
Painting by Jan Toorop Sep 1, 2020 Deirdre Sugiuchi Share article Seyward Darby’s Sisters in Hate: American Women on the Front Lines of White Nationalism opens with the author witnessing another white woman screaming a racial slur at a Black woman at a gas station in the Shenandoah Valley...