The aim of our study was to reveal whether pupils dilate and constrict in a time sequence in the human fetus and to assess the relationship between changes in pupillary diameter and eye-movement-no-eye-movement periods. We simultaneously observed pupil and eye movement with real-time ...
In one retrospective study of women at low risk, expectant mothers presenting to labor and delivery with the chief complaint of decreased fetal movement have a compromised fetus 8% to 12% of the time.16 However, there are conflicting studies as to the gravity of this presenting complaint. Over...
Fetal movements have long been recognized as an important biological index to estimate the state of a fetus. Fetal movements that are observed on ultrasonography are important indices on biological and physical scoring systems to determine the well-being of a fetus (1). These scoring systems have...
At this a stage baby's movements can be felt as movements in the vagina thats normal a little pain is a normal pressure symptom of pregnancy ... Read More Hello doctors Please help me whn I will get strong fetus movement Now I m in just 29 weeks I feel movement when I m in sle...
In the light of the above mentioned REM sleep concept it is also no longer contradictory that the first respiratory movements of the fetus in utero can be detected during active sleep (3). In active sleep there is a continuous competition between strong internal central nervous system arousal ...
woman the option of interrupting a pregnancy, even one that endangers her life or health due to a pre existing condition, cancer or a tubal ectopic pregnancy. The heart beat of the fetus will need to stop in order for interruption. This puts 30.8% of maternal deaths due to indirect causes...
Maternal perception of fetal activ- ity has been assumed to be associated with a stronger sense of psychological connection and increased mater- nal-fetal attachment (23,24). Maternal Attachment to the Fetus Maternal-fetal attachment is a key element in the pregnancy experience (25,26). Maternal...
The role of the fetus in the formation of amniotic fluid. One hundred and thirty-one conceptuses obtained at hysterotomy between 12 and 22 weeks were examined to establish the relation between amniotic fluid volum... T Lind,A Kendall,FE Hytten - 《Bjog An International Journal of Obstetrics...
Owing to the size of the transducer the whole fetus cannot be viewed at once, so it is difficult to be sure that all fetal move- ment has been detected and recorded with the ultrasound method. We believe, however, that substantial movements of the head, arms, and legs are accompanied by...
Although valuable information on maturation of reflex arcs was obtained in this manner, many of the movements elicited were not those normally made by the fetus in utero. The undisturbed embryo does not show any indication of movement until about weeks. The first spontaneous movements consist of...