LEMURLOOT还可以窃取MOVEit Transfer应用程序设置中的Azure存储Blob信息,包括凭据,这表明如果受害者将设备数据存储在Azure Blob存储中,利用该漏洞的人可能会从Azure中窃取文件,尽管目前尚不清楚盗窃行为是否仅限于这种存储方式下的数据。 在许多情况下,LEMURLOOT的交付和利用涉及到来自5.252.188.0/22 IP地址范围内的扫描...
该工具由 Progress Software 创建,该公司于周三发布了有关该漏洞问题的报告(https://community.progress.com/s/article/MOVEit-Transfer-Critical-Vulnerability-31May2023)。“Progress 在 MOVEit Transfer 中发现了一个漏洞,该漏洞可能导致权限提升和潜在的未经授权访问。如果您是 MOVEit Transfer 的客户,那么在我...
1、禁用对于MOVEit transfer的Http和Https网络请求(修改防火墙规则拒绝端口 80和443上的MOVEit Transfer的HTTP和HTTPs流量) 2、查看、删除和重置 a. 删除未授权的文件和用户账户 b. 重置凭据 具体操作请参考官方链接:https://community.progress.com/s/article/MOVEit-Transfer-Critical-Vulnerability-31May2023 5.参...
On May 31, 2023, Progress Software released a security bulletin concerning a critical vulnerability within MOVEit Transfer, a widely used secure file transfer system. According to Shodan, over 2500 servers running this software are on the Internet. TrustedSec has performed analysis on the...
The Progress Software advisory said: “A newly identified vulnerability in a third-party component used in MOVEit Transfer elevates the risk of the original issue mentioned above if left unpatched. While the patch distributed by Progress on June 11th successfully remediates the issue identified in ...
On June 1, 2023, ReliaQuest published ablog highlighting a critical vulnerability in the file transfer software MOVEit.Just a few days later, on June 5, 2023, the Clop ransomware group claimed responsibility for a series of attacks exploiting the zero-day vulnerability, which is tracked asCVE...
Progress Software announced the critical vulnerability in their MOVEit software on May 31, 2023. Unfortunately, there was evidence that this vulnerability was already exploited by at least May 27, 2023. Eventually the Cl0p ransomware group claimed responsibility for this incident. The first healthcar...
MOVEit Transferには、SQLインジェクションに対する脆弱性があります。この脆弱性によって、未認証の攻撃者にMOVEit Transferのデータベースへのアクセスを許してしまう可能性があります。SQL(Structured Query Language:構造化照会言語)では、リレーショナルデータベースに対してク...
The MOVEit vulnerability is a critical SQL injection flaw in the web applicationMOVEit Transfer, which MITRE published asCVE-2023-34362on May 31, 2023. When exploiting the vulnerability, attackers can gain remote code injection capabilities in the MOVEit ...
In late May, developers of a widely-used file sharing solution disclosed a critical security vulnerability. Cyber insurers would be wise to use this breach as a reason to revisit the issue of systemic cyber risk. MOVEit Transfer allows organizations to store and share files either internally, ...