P.S.When your move the user's folder to another drive, you can not move the administrator folder. But you can move it to another pc. If this method did work and helped you successfully transfer user folder to another drive on your PC, feel free to share this great idea with more fri...
Want to move the user folder to another drive on Windows 11 to free up space, boost PC performance, or for some other reasons? Then, let's check out the four easy ways to move files on Windows 11.
while if i open a command prompt and i rundirinCdrive i see what i expect, a directory junctionusers-->d:\usersand a folderuser_bak. This make me s bit in confusion but probably is due to the fact that users is a system folder managed in different ways by windows. is correct? if ...
Go to This PC > Local Disk (C:) > Users > User Name. Right-click the folder and select Properties. Switch to the Location tab. Hit the Move button. Select the newly created folder under the target drive. Hit Yes and wait for the files to be moved. ...
Below you can see the german name of theUsersfolder: When clicking in the address bar of the Explorer window, the real path is displayed: When you renamed the folder, thedesktop.inifile, was kept in the folder, and is still used by the Explorer to show the translated name. ...
Whatever the reason it might be, Windows 11 norWindows 10does not include a tool to make the process easy, but it’s not impossible. If you need to move a shared folder to another drive to preserve permissions and without reconfiguration in the clients, you can complete this task by copyi...
The default download folder of Windows locates in C:/ drive. But when there is less space on C drive, you can move the download folder from C drive to another drive of HDD or SSD. How can we move the download folder from C drive to another drive? Some Windows users may also get ...
Best OS migration software to clone OS to new driveAOMEI Backupper Professional has been regarded as one of the best system clone software to help you clone OS to another hard drive in Windows 11/10/8/7/XP/Vista and resolve problems for cloning. It is widely used by 50+ million users,...
Aside from making better use of the space available on other drives, some users prefer to have as little data as possible on their C Drive, opting to have their operating system and as few other files as possible on it. Being able to easily move the OneDrive folder allows them to lose ...
✅ Move users to another drive:With DaveM121's help I was able to fix a User Shell Folder problem by editing the registry entry. But that was one problem out of the bigger problem...