今天看完了一部最近比较火的韩剧,英文叫Move to Heaven,中文叫《遗物整理师》。 看标题就知道是部催泪的剧,Move to Heaven 讲遗物整理师 (trauma cleaner) 如何整理死者最后的遗物,发现生命背后的故事。 Netflix 放出来的 trailer 很有质感,分享给你看看。 Spoiler Alert! 以下内容主要是我的看剧感想,包含轻微...
Move to Heaven: With Lee Je-hoon, Jung Young-joo, Tang Joon-sang, Jung Suk-yong. Working as trauma cleaners, both Gu-ru and Sang-gu uncover various stories of the deceased while experiencing different emotions and sentiments toward life, death and family
Trailer: Orphan BlackClick here to view the embedded video.Here’s the press release:BBC America Original Series Orphan Black Renewed For Second Season Star Tatiana Maslany has earned acclaim for her multiple roles in season oneNew York – May 2, 2013 – BBC America has renewed highly ...
我的笔记本没有小键盘 分享83 风中的女王吧 非z92鼹鼠 【Reign】大结局 S02E22 预告 Burn TrailerQueen Elizabeth 镇楼~ 分享1141 kodamanaoko吧 倾斜地天秤 【小玉老师访谈】光与影的讲述者还是看吧主发的帖子才知道有这个访谈,内容蛮长的。我慢慢翻译 原文来自: wolfhonyaku wordpress网站,度娘不许发链接。。。
Move to Heaven: Con Lee Je-hoon, Jung Young-joo, Tang Joon-sang, Jung Suk-yong. Lavorando come addetti alle pulizie dei traumi, sia Gu-ru che Sang-gu scoprono varie storie del defunto mentre sperimentano emozioni e sentimenti diversi verso la vita, la mo