The meaning of MOVE is to go or pass to another place or in a certain direction with a continuous motion. How to use move in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Move.
比如英语中step back in time意思是“回到过去”(to go back into the past),按照这个逻辑,move start times back应该是将时间提前。 要弄清楚这个问题,我们可以先看词典中有没有相应的解释。基本思路是在各大词典中查看move / back / time / move back这几个单词或词组的解析及例句,看看有没有相关的解释。
The meaning of MOVE is to go or pass to another place or in a certain direction with a continuous motion. How to use move in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Move.
Unfortunately for them ( ' , and often the taxpayers), our energy systems are a bit like an aircraft carrier: they are unbelievably expensive, they are built to last for a very long time, they have a huge amount of inertia ( ' , meaning it takes a lot of energy to set themmoving)...
•Only time would do that and timemoved slowlyat the Greenham camp that spring forFolly.•They are heavy,smarttrout, and theymove quicklyinto the heavy water andriffles.•When Stafford sawCantormove slowlytoward the right, hedescendedon the opposite side.•Looking up from the paper, I...
move/change/keep up with the times meaning, definition, what is move/change/keep up with the times: to change when other things in society, ...: Learn more.
Many of the GridView's event argument classes inherit CancelEventArgs, meaning that all those events can be canceled. The value of the Cancel property is always set to false when the "pre" event fires. By handling the event, you can check some conditions and optionally cancel the event by ...
that required us to run in 32-bit IIS worker processes under WoW64. First, MSCOM was running ASP.NET 1.1, and there isn’t a 64-bit edition of version 1.1 of the .NET Framework. That is an option today with version 2.0 of the .NET Framework, but it wasn’t available at the time...
inittakes some time because Machine Learning models can be large and take a moment to get everything needed to run. Also, ininit()we ask for permission to use the camera and capture a video stream. And then you can listen to these events: ...
The meaning of MOVE is to go or pass to another place or in a certain direction with a continuous motion. How to use move in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Move.