alter table BDHI.TEST move lob(A) store as (tablespace IDWD_TBS002) Oracle 12.1开始,可以对分区和子分区进行online move: ALTER TABLE t1 MOVE PARTITION part_2015 TABLESPACE users ONLINE UPDATE INDEXES; ALTER TABLE t1 MOVE SUBPARTITION SYS_SUBP793 TABLESPACE users ONLINE UPDATE INDEXES; Oracle 12....
SQL>alter table 表名 move tablespace 表空间名; 如果有很多的表想要迁移的话,可以这样操作: SQL>select 'alter table ' ||table_name || ' move tablespace 目标表空间名称;' from user_all_tables where tablespace_name='源表空间名称' 这样就迁移成功了 __EOF__...
select OWNER,SEGMENT_NAME,PARTITION_NAME,SEGMENT_TYPE,TABLESPACE_NAME,bytes/1024/1024 mb from dba_segments where segment_type='TABLE PARTITION' and owner='EDW' and TABLESPACE_NAME='DATA_TBS_HIS' and segment_name='TABLE_HIS' and PARTITION_NAME='P_202312'; --查询指定分区实际数据大小 select tr...
I will explain How to Move Lob Segment to Another Tablespace in Oracle in this post. Move Lob Segment to Another Tablespace Sometimes you may need to drop any tablespace, so you need to move all objects in this tablespace. Moving lob segments is difficult according to table and index. Check...
Oracle Move Tablespace详解 1. 什么是Oracle的表空间(Tablespace)? Oracle表空间是数据库的逻辑存储结构,它用于存储数据库对象(如表、索引等)的数据和索引。每个表空间由一个或多个数据文件组成,这些文件在物理上存储在服务器的磁盘上。表空间为数据库管理员提供了一种管理存储资源的方法,可以优化性能、简化备份和恢...
How do I move lobindex/lobsegment from temp tablespace to another? It seems that these are the affected tables: SQL> l 1 SELECT table_name,table_owner,tablespace_name 2 FROM user_indexes t 3* WHERE tablespace_name='TEMP' SQL> / TABLE_NAME TABLE_OWNER TABLESPACE_NAME --- --- --...
Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall - Version and later: Cannot Move Audit Trail Data To A Different Tablespace: ORA-46267:
alter table test01 move online tablespace users * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01735: invalid ALTER TABLE option Changes Cause Sign In Oracle offers a comprehensive and fully integrated stack of cloud applications and platform services. For more information about Oracle (NYSE:ORCL), ...
but Oracle recommends conversion to LOB types LONG LONG RAW CLOB NCLOB BLOB • Disadvantages of LONG: • Maximum number of LONG columns per table : 1 • No replication possible with LONG und LONG RAW • Attention: • LONG LOB conversion is irreversible LONG LOB Conversion • Conversio...
必須パラメータであるtarget_tablespace_nameは、空間メタデータ表の移動先となる表領域の名前を指定します。 このプロシージャは、DBAのみが使用する必要があります。 移動操作中、他のすべてのOracle Spatial and Graph機能は無効になります。