使用'move to another changelist'功能,开发人员可以更加灵活地管理他们的代码更改。以下是一些使用该功能的情况: 1.重组代码:当开发人员意识到他们的更改可以更好地组织在不同的变更列表中时,他们可以使用'move to another changelist'将相关更改移动到新的变更列表。这对于将代码拆分成更小、更易于管理的部分非常有...
Any changes made to the source files, are automatically included in theactive changelist. Initially, the Default changelist is active, but you can make any other changelist active. The active changelist is displayed on top of the Version Control tool window, with the name being highlighted in...
Any changes made to the source files, are automatically included in the active changelist. Initially, the Default changelist is active, but you can make any other changelist active. The active changelist is displayed on top of the Version Control tool window, with the name being highlighted i...
Move to Another Changelist 简介:Move to Another Changelist 将选中的文件转移到其他的 Change list 中。 Change list 是一个重要的概念,这里需要进行重点说明。很多时候,我们开发一个项目同时并发的任务可能有很多,每个任务涉及到的文件可能都是基于业务来讲的。 Move to Another Changelist 将选中的文件转移到其...
In PyCharm, in the Version Control tab, if I select a file in a changelist and use the hotkey cmd+shift+m, it opens an instance of the terminal where it looks up the man pages for the command "Changelist". It then says, understandably, "No man...
当前标签:Move to Another ChangelistMove to Another Changelist 沧海一滴 2016-10-21 14:33 阅读:6250 评论:0 推荐:4 编辑 更多精彩内容,请关注公众号 昵称: 沧海一滴 园龄: 13年9个月 粉丝: 881 关注: 349 +加关注 < 2025年1月 > 日一二三四五六 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ...